Qubes-builderv2 won't fetch the sources

Could someone provide a helping hand for building an template with the qubes-builder v1 or v2?

This is my writeup of what I have tried so far:

### start a dispVM based on fedora-40-xfce

# get qubes-builderv2
git clone https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-builderv2/
cd qubes-builderv2
less README.md

# install dependencies
sudo dnf install gnupg git createrepo rpm-build make wget rpmdevtools python3-sh dialog rpm-sign dpkg-dev debootstrap python3-pyyaml devscripts perl-Digest-MD5 perl-Digest-SHA
sudo dnf install $(cat dependencies-fedora.txt)
sudo dnf install qubes-gpg-split

# add an extra layer of complexity
sudo usermod -aG docker user
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo su user
tools/generate-container-image.sh docker fedora-39-x86_64

# instead of using the docker container you can set the executor to local
ln -s example-configs/archlinux.yml builder.yml
nano builder.yml

# get the sources
./qb template fetch

# do not succeed
ls -al artifacts/

If I do a

./qb template fetch prep build

the python-scripts break while trying to find the non existent sources to prepare. Obviously.

Likely I’m missing just a small detail here. I also tried to build the alpine-template with builder v1 and didn’t succeed, either. So I might open a different thread for that.

Hello @robertford ,

some ideas:

  1. submodules. In your writeup I don’t see the submodules init required in the Dependencies.
  2. Storage. Check if you don’t get the storage limits for / or /rw.
  3. A more simple test than ArchLinux. Check first if it works with a more mainline template (i.e. : debian/fedora)

Thanks for your suggestions. As there are no example-configs for debian/fedora in the qubes-builderv2 repository I tried archlinux.yml and kali.yml. Kali’s yml should be similiar to a config for debian. However, both setups fail to fetch their sources.

[user@disp6438 qubes-builderv2]$ df -h | grep xvdb
/dev/xvdb            40G   21M   40G   1% /rw

I have read somewhere that storage could become an issue. Therefore I setup the disposable template with plenty.

[user@disp6438 qubes-builderv2]$ git submodule update --init
[user@disp6438 qubes-builderv2]$ ./qb template fetch
Running template stage: fetch
[user@disp6438 qubes-builderv2]$ ./qb template prep
Running template stage: prep
 [qb] An error occurred: archlinux: Failed to prepare template.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/qubes-builderv2/qubesbuilder/executors/local.py", line 76, in copy_in
    shutil.copy2(str(src), str(dst))
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/shutil.py", line 475, in copy2
    copyfile(src, dst, follow_symlinks=follow_symlinks)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.12/shutil.py", line 260, in copyfile
    with open(src, 'rb') as fsrc:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/user/qubes-builderv2/artifacts/sources/builder-archlinux'
and so forth

It looks like

git submodule update --init

doesn’t do much.


stays empty.

[user@disp6438 qubes-builderv2]$ cat .gitmodules 
[submodule "qubesbuilder/plugins/publish/mirrors"]
	path = qubesbuilder/plugins/publish/mirrors
	url = ../qubes-infrastructure-mirrors

I git cloned qubes-infrastructure-mirrors in the parent directory, read it’s README.md, ran the install procedures, went back to qubes-builderv2 and did a

git submodule update --init

before giving

./qb template fetch

another try. Without success. ./artifacts/sources stays empty.

You need to fetch at least the builder components (builder-rpm, builder-debian, etc) before trying to build templates.

Thanks for the additional information.

# use the local executor for now
cp example-configs/qubes-os-r4.2.yml ./
cp example-configs/archlinux.yml ./
sed -i 's/type: docker/type: local/g' *.yml
sed -i 's/type: qubes/type: local/g' *.yml

# fetch prerequisites
./qb --builder-conf qubes-os-r4.2.yml -c builder-rpm -c builder-debian -c qubes-release package fetch

# fetch archlinux
./qb --builder-conf archlinux.yml -c builder-archlinux package fetch

Fetching the suggested prerequisites works. Fetching builder-archlinux gives me an error about mamarek’s public key missing. Which is in my keyring and has trust level 5.

 [qb] Running stage 'fetch'
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] Using executor local:/tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder to run '['bash', '-c', 'cd /tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder&&/tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder/plugins/fetch/scripts/get-and-verify-source.py https://github.com/qubesos/qubes-meta-packages.git /tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder/meta-packages /tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder/keyring /tmp/139204932805472b59669f9/builder/plugins/fetch/keys --git-branch main --minimum-distinct-maintainers 1']'.
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] --> Verifying tags...
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] ERROR: CalledProcessError(1, ['git', '-c', 'gpg.program=/usr/bin/gpg-sq', '-c', 'gpg.minTrustLevel=fully', 'verify-tag', '--raw', '--', 'e668e776cc837a7e02a1a3dd6728559cc510ffcf']); stderr: [GNUPG:] NEWSIG
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] [GNUPG:] ERRSIG 063938BA42CFA724 1 8 00 1716690838 9 0064428F455451B3EBE78A7F063938BA42CFA724
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] [GNUPG:] NO_PUBKEY 063938BA42CFA724
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] ---> Invalid tag e668e776cc837a7e02a1a3dd6728559cc510ffcf.
 [qb.fetch.meta-packages.fetch] Not enough distinct tag signatures. Found 0, mandatory minimum is 1.
 [qb] An error occurred: Failed to run

gpg-sq is available in my disposable qube. However, either the pubkey or gpg-sq seem to be missing in the build environment.

# use the docker executor for now
cp example-configs/archlinux.yml ./
sed -i 's/type: qubes/type: docker/g' *.yml

# add maintainer's public key to archlinux.yml
sed -i '5i\  maintainers:\n    # marmarek\n    - '"'"'0064428F455451B3EBE78A7F063938BA42CFA724'"'"'' archlinux.yml

After adding marmarek’s public key fingerprint to archlinux.yml the build process runs through quite far.

And then the script errors out because it is missing qubes-vm-dependencies.

One of the reasons why I like to use Arch is it’s simple and transparent architecture.

I like and use a lot ArchLinux, no need to convince me :slight_smile: . But in the qubes-builder context, Debian and Fedora are massively used, so I (simply) think their build processes are much more stable.

As soon as I find enough time I will get this working. At least I have identified the next missing lines in the archlinux.yml. If those are the last missing pieces I’m confident to get the build process through.

When I get it running I will publish a complete writeup in the community guide section.

AlpineLinux is very intriguing also. To build that template might be less or might be more challenging. We’ll see.

Antoine Martin provides an AlpineLinux template that I use, see :

@fepitre could you please elaborate on etc as I do not understand the documentation or am missing crucial parts, it seems.

# fetch prerequisites
./qb -builder-conf qubes-os-r4.2.yml -c builder-rpm -c builder-debian -c qubes-release package fetch

# fetch archlinux builder
./qb --builder-conf archlinux.yml -c builder-archlinux package fetch

### finally... build archlinux template
./qb --builder-conf archlinux.yml template fetch prep build

The last command errors out with

[qb] An error occurred: archlinux: Failed to prepare template.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/user/qubes-builderv2/qubesbuilder/plugins/template/__init__.py", line 612, in run
  File "/home/user/qubes-builderv2/qubesbuilder/executors/container.py", line 238, in run
    raise ExecutorError(msg)
qubesbuilder.executors.ExecutorError: Failed to run 'sudo mkdir -p -- /builder /builder/build /builder/plugins /builder/distfiles&&sudo chown -R -- user:user /builder&&make -C /builder/plugins/template prepare build-rootimg' (status=2).

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

most likely because of

[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + echo '  --> Checking available qubes packages (for debugging only)...'
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + run_pacman_single -Ss qubes
[qb.template.archlinux.prep]   --> Checking available qubes packages (for debugging only)...
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + /builder/sources/builder-archlinux/template_archlinux/arch-chroot-lite /builder/mnt /bin/sh -c 'proxy=$1; shift; trap break SIGINT SIGTERM; ALL_PROXY=$proxy http_proxy=$proxy https_proxy=$proxy "$@"' sh '' pacman -Ss qubes
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + :
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + '[' -n '' ']'
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + echo '### qubes-builder-end'
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + echo '  --> Installing mandatory qubes packages...'
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + run_pacman -S --noconfirm --noprogressbar qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] + /builder/sources/builder-archlinux/template_archlinux/arch-chroot-lite /builder/mnt /bin/sh -c 'proxy=$1; shift; trap break SIGINT SIGTERM; for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do ALL_PROXY=$proxy http_proxy=$proxy https_proxy=$proxy "$@" && exit; done; exit 1' sh '' pacman -S --noconfirm --noprogressbar qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep]   --> Installing mandatory qubes packages...
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] error: target not found: qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] error: target not found: qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] error: target not found: qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] error: target not found: qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] error: target not found: qubes-vm-dependencies
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] ++ cleanup
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] ++ errval=1
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] ++ trap - ERR
[qb.template.archlinux.prep] ++ trap

qubes-vm-dependencies, qubes-vm-recommended and qubes-vm-repo are not present in ./artifacts/sources/ and not mentioned in neither example-configs nor tests.

Yes, yes, very cool. I haven’t used the qubes-builder v1 for quite some time, but remember to have similar problems. Before proceeding I would like to determine if the configs are missing stuff (like marmarek’s public key) or I am missing preparation steps.

You need to use either qubes repositories or build all the components first. Check README of builderv2 for options on how to use Qubes repos.