Qubes Blank Screen After Disk Decryption - Existing Install

I’ve been running Qubes 4.14.5 on a Lenovo T480 for about a year without any issues.

Today I was able to login successfully. However, after logging-in I wasn’t able to start any qubes. I unfortunately didn’t look too closely at the errors before restarting.

Upon restart, I get to the disk encryption screen and successfully decrypt the disk. After that the screen goes blank and hangs.

I removed quiet from the startup options. When I do that, I see the system, after decrypting the disk, stops at a line that says something like audit: type 1130...msg='unit=plymouth-quit comm="systemd" exe='/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'

I’ve referenced at least 5 different support posts in this forum over the last 90 minutes that appeared to be related, however none of them got me to a resolution. Any suggestions on where to go next in my troubleshooting process would be greatly appreciated.

This message is unrelated, can you post all messages that you see when it hangs?

Thanks for the quick reply. Apologies for the photo screenshot, I wasn’t sure how else to capture the messages to add them here inline, rather than as an image. The last messages that are cut off relate to the original message I posted.

Thanks for the quick reply. Apologies for the photo screenshot, I wasn’t sure how else to capture the messages to add them here inline, rather than as an image. The last messages that are cut off relate to the original message I posted.

There is no more related info here.
You can also try to enable some more debug output in grub along with removing quite:
For Xen command line (multiboot2 line): loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all vga=,keep
For kernel command line (first module2 line): console=hvc0 earlyprintk=xen

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Didn’t think so, thanks for confirming. I tried both options to see more debug output, however they resulted in the same amount of information.

To confirm, when I press e to edit the Qubes, with Xen Hypervisor option from the blue screen, I use the “Xen command line…” option you suggested, correct?

You need to add both Xen command line and kernel command line options.
Add loglvl=all guest_loglvl=all vga=,keep at the end of the line starting with multiboot2.
Add console=hvc0 earlyprintk=xen at the end of the first line starting with module2.

You can also try to switch to another TTY when it hangs like this using Ctrl+Alt+F1 - Ctrl+Alt+F12.

I think I found the error. I tried to backup my qubes before leaving on a trip a few days ago and the dom0 disk filled up. I just remembered this last night after taking a break from the troubleshooting process.

According to this link I should login to dom0 terminal with Alt + Ctrl + F2. However, it’s not clear from the docs when to enter that sequence. I’ve tried at most points during the boot sequence, however the process doesn’t seem to be interrupted.

I also tried to add the efi=no-rs to the Xen startup options, according to these instructions, that didn’t seem to work, either.

You can boot from some Linux Live OS USB and mount dom0 root there to free up the space.

Thanks, this worked. I was able to mount the qube, delete the backup file and restart successfully.