Qubes and my Newly Librebooted T480

Just reporting that everything seems to work fine on the Lenovo T480 with the new Libreboot release and Qubes, with the exception of the brightness keys. I’m sure I’ll find something else, but everything seems to just work(i don’t use thunderbolt anyway, only for charging). I’d always thought that this would be the perfect computer if it only could be core/librebooted. Everything went smoothly with no problems, and my computer boots faster now. I used a ch341a spi programmer from amazon(look for the one with all the reviews).

For the last few months I had been looking to buy a NovaCustom(I’ll still get one eventually), but now I don’t feel the immediate need to get one anymore. I’ve had this T480 for 5 years thinking i’d never get to Coreboot it, and here I am. Yay! It really does feel nice to not spend 1200 on a computer right now, and I feel like i’m really getting my money’s worth out of this T480 now.

It was worth buying the ch341a for even though i could have used my RPi. Some older versions of the ch341a have voltage issues and can brick your board so watch out for that.


Thanks for the update!
How do you get around the brightness issue? When I tried to use sys-gui, and had a similar issue, the laptop display was unusable.

You can use xrandr in dom0:

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Yeah, thanks. It does not easily work with sys-gui, that’s why I abandoned the whole project.

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Oh, sorry, I didn’t even see sys-gui in your comment haha. I have not tried it yet. But now that you have pointed that out, thank you for the heads up! :). I knew there would be SOMETHING.

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Hi, thanks for your report!
How about CPU performance?
Did it increase somehow?
And maybe this is not related to QubesOS, but can you disable SMT (Hyper-threading) in Libreboot?
How about fast charging? I am interesed in how many Watts do you get while charging - you can check it by adding new item (Sensor plugin) to XFCE panel and select Sensors type: ACPI or Sensors type: BAT0-0. There is some sensor related to current battery power usage.
What CH341A SPI Programmer version did you use exactly? As Libreboot documentation says, CH341A has different (5V) logic levels. Coreboot-based firmware needs 3.3V.
Did you notice any changes in fan? For example on which CPU temperature does it turn on and how many rpm it has? By default it turns on 62C, goes up to 3100 rpm and turns off as soon as it reaches around 45C. I would like to know if I would have to install thinkfan in dom0 if it gets different after librebooting.
How about battery life, idle power usage and power usage under CPU load?

Hey if know how to start thinkfan in dom0, can you share the guide for me? I just try to solve problem with my CPU too, see Thinkpad t480 performance improving - #2 by anone381

“xrandr” changes gamma value of colors in gfx card, it’s not changing luminosity of backlight.
For that you need to use “ddcutil” but on external monitors only because built-in screens uses special API instead I²C