Qubes 4.2 freezing installation process (Nitropad, coreboot)

I am trying to upgrade my NitroPad T430 (with coreboot) to QOS 4.2. It always ends in a frozen installer: ~1/3 of the installation process; not always at the exact same position. It worked with QOS 4.1. before.

Tests I already did:

  • test all installation options (verbose, latest kernel…)
  • redo download and image (using dd)
  • verified image (in the installer config)
  • reclaimed all disk space
  • with and without disk encryption
  • RAM testing (16 GB successfully passed)
  • changed source HW (usb drives)
  • changed target HW (ssd; 1 TB, 64 GB)
  • reformatting source and target HW
  • changed USB ports / provide external power (via hub)


  • successfully installed Litelinux
  • unsuccessfully installed Parrot => error: bootloader installation error

Parrot provided at least a feedback but I cannot evaluate if this points to the same issue I have with Qubes OS 4.2. My guess, it is related the bootloader / coreboot. Does coreboot requires a special treatment / preparation? Any further tests I can do?

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Does anyone has a suggestion for me?

You could try to upgrade coreboot to the latest version available for your machine.

Maybe it’s this issue:

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Yes, but I still hope there is another solution :neutral_face: I need more time to dig into coreboot first and I prefer to have “Qubes OS - Litelinux backup” solution instead of a “wip coreboot project”.

Do not get me wrong, I just hope that I can by-pass coreboot if it is not mandatory - the root of the issue.