Qubes 4.2.2 Debian-12-xfce template Thunar qubes custom actions

I’ve downloaded a new debian-12-xfce template, updated it, and created a new qube based off if it. In thunar, if I right-click on a file, five qubes qvm-actions are listed:

Copy to other qube
Move to other qube
Open in other qube
Edit in disposable qube
View in disposable qube

However, when I switch my older qubes from the Debian-12 template to the xfce template, they are missing.

They are also missing from thunar custom actions. How can I get those to appear? Is there a script I can run in the qubes themselves? Doing a Refresh Applications did not help.

Another thing to note is that thunar uses the dark theme when the qube is set to debian-12, but thunar is white when using debian-12-xfce.

I also checked this thread:

The file is the same in both qubes. I did try to install qubes-core-agent-linux on the template, but it said it’s missing or obsolete.

Also I do have this file, and it’s the same: /etc/xdg/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/thunar.xml

Also, when thunar is run as root on the qube, they are all there. When run as user, they are not.

You should check the content of this file instead: ~/.config/Thunar/uca.xml

I don’t really know how to reload it, so maybe deleting it is sufficient. Otherwise you can copy this file from a new qube to the old ones?

Off-topic note: doing Refresh Applications from the qube’s settings only update the applications available in Qubes’ Appmenu