Qube Manager crashes when entering "Global Settings"

Hi, I’m on Qubes R4.1. I updated dom0 with current-testing repo today. My Qube Manager version is 4.1.23-1. Just found that whenever I enter “Global Settings” in Qube Manager, the manager always crashes. The relevant log I could find was this line:

“Exception: Cannot detect enabled ITL template update repositories”.

Is it a bug, or is there any way to solve this?

$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-itl

Error: unknown repo: qubes-templates-itl

Hi @enmus

I suggest you to use qvm-template for templates, not qubes-dom0-update:

Oh Gee, was I myself? Thank you so much @ludovic for the correction, rather than it was suggestion :slight_smile:
I’m banging my head to make apt-cacher to work for fedora at the moment, and obviously nothing else works, hahaha.

If you use qubes-dom0-update it will operate via qvm-template.

Hi @ycgrobo ,

Did you change the dom0 yum repositories?

Information from my current system (but with qubes-manager from current repo not current-testing):

[user@dom0 ~]$ rpm -qf $(which qubes-qube-manager )
[user@dom0 ~]$ cat /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-templates.repo 
name = Qubes Templates repository
#baseurl = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-itl
#baseurl = http://yum.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion/r$releasever/templates-itl
metalink = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-itl/repodata/repomd.xml.metalink
enabled = 1
fastestmirror = 1
metadata_expire = 7d
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qubes-$releasever-primary

name = Qubes Templates repository
#baseurl = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-itl-testing
#baseurl = http://yum.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion/r$releasever/templates-itl-testing
metalink = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-itl-testing/repodata/repomd.xml.metalink
enabled = 0
fastestmirror = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qubes-$releasever-primary

name = Qubes Community Templates repository
#baseurl = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-community
#baseurl = http://yum.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion/r$releasever/templates-community
metalink = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-community/repodata/repomd.xml.metalink
enabled = 0
fastestmirror = 1
metadata_expire = 7d
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qubes-$releasever-templates-community

name = Qubes Community Templates repository
#baseurl = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-community-testing
#baseurl = http://yum.qubesosfasa4zl44o4tws22di6kepyzfeqv3tg4e3ztknltfxqrymdad.onion/r$releasever/templates-community-testing
metalink = https://yum.qubes-os.org/r$releasever/templates-community-testing/repodata/repomd.xml.metalink
enabled = 0
fastestmirror = 1
gpgcheck = 1
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-qubes-$releasever-templates-community 

[user@dom0 ~]$ rpm -qf /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-templates.repo 

Compare with your system.

Also look the changelog for manager v4.1.23-1 and qubes-release v4.1-1 .

Unfortunately it doesn’t work for me, while qvm-template works… am I hijacking this topic? I posted it because at the moment I thought it was related setting the same repository?

The content of my /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-template.repo is:

### This file is no longer used
### Template repositories are configured now in
### /etc/qubes/repo-templates/qubes-templates.repo

The change was made in qubes-release v4.1-1 update.
I’m guessing Qube Manager still reads repo info from old path?

Following report: after copying /etc/qubes/repo-templates/qubes-templates.repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/qubes-template.repo, Qube Manager acted normally. I think Qube Manager needs to be updated to adapt to the qubes-release v4.1-1 change.

This should be already fixed by this update: core-admin-linux v4.1.18 (r4.1) · Issue #2842 · QubesOS/updates-status · GitHub