Hello I have Qube 4.2.2 kernel version 6.10.3-1.qubes.fc37.x86_64. I wanna to backup my standaloneVM Debian 12 qube. so I crerated a ‘backup qube’ for backup storage, and did backup steps. created file name is ‘qubes-backup-2024-08-28T021118’ around 80 GB. when I want to restore it. it just create a empty standaloneVM qube for me. no ‘root’ backup and no ‘usr’ backup. how can I solve it?
Try to verify the backup first by checking “Test restore to verify the backup integrity” in “Restore Backup” GUI tool.
What do you mean by no root/user backup?
You mean it creates a qube with empty system and private storege volumes?
How did you check it?
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