Purism Librem 14 v1

@fsflover Bluetooth works fine =)

Did a quick test with bluetooth and got it working:

  1. dnf install blueman in the base template for your media VM that needs bluetooth.
  2. restart VM and base image.
  3. run lsusb in sys-usb and look for the bluetooth device hash. mine was 04ca:xxxx
    the device had bluetooth in its name.
    this assumes that the bluetooth device got assigned to sys-usb with the other peripherals during installation. If you clicked “use sys-usb for usb devices” during setup bluetooth should be here.
  4. then just assign that USB device in the USB applet to your Media vm
  5. the blueman applet starts automatically in media VM and detects bluetooth automatically on device assignment.
  6. Open blueman applet Pair, connect and listen away on your bluetooth speakers.

Did I misunderstand what you meant by not really supported?