PS/2 SWAG Crew | PS/2 Device Collection List

I am planning to switch to a QubesOS desktop build and want to use a PS/2 mouse and keyboard.

That this is possible and how it works has been discussed in my post here.

But which PS/2 devices should I buy? It would be great if the QubesOS community started a PS/2 swap device collection. Maybe this threat could lead to that.

Here are my requirements: First of all, money is not that important and I prefer to have really nice things. I touch my keyboard all day and I don’t care if it costs 200 USD. Quality is definitely paramount. I also know that there are some “gaming” PS/2 mice out there because they are supposedly good for e-sports. While I love high quality devices, I am not a big fan of crazy designs with lots of LED nonsense. So the best device for me would be a high quality device with minimal design.

Which devices would you recommend?

Personally, I think I will go with the Cherry G84-4100 compact keyboard (G84-4100LCAUS-2). It is compact, looks minimal and has mechanical keys.

Any mouse recommendations?

I find PS/2 mice harder to find than PS/2 keyboards.

If your DIY inclined, this project allows you to use a Raspberry Pi Pico to convert USB mice and keyboards to PS/2. I’m using a PS/2 keyboard, but am planning to convert a USB Razer DeathAdder mouse to PS/2 in the near future.

If I understand correctly, then it should be possible to use wireless USB mice also.

This is a cool project! Please keep us posted! I agree, mice are much harder than keyboards. Have you checked out my recommended keyboard? Any comments?