Properly setting up a VPN for all Internet traffic

Hi everyone! I’m new to Qubes OS and I’m trying to set up everything correctly. In doing so, I installed ProtonVPN following the instructions found in this post: ProtonVPN App 4.2 setup guide

However, I would like all my Internet traffic to be protected by my VPN, not just what is generated from the VPN qube itself. To do so, I would have to route the traffic of all my qubes through it, as suggested here: comment on another post

The problem is that that implies routing also the templates (my default is Fedora Xface, but Debian Xface is installed as well), sys-net, sys-firewall, sys-whonix, whonix workstation and whonix gateway, through the VPN qube. Some of these I’ve read here on the website that they shouldn’t be touched or modified, as they’re core parts of the system. On the other hand, if you don’t do that, then at least part of your traffic is not protected by the VPN, which then becomes useless. Might as well not setting up one in the first place! :laughing:

Anyway, I’m sure I’m missing something because I’m new to Qubes OS.

Please help. :grinning:

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You need to do it like this:

But with your sys-vpn instead of sys-whonix.
Steps 1-4 can be done in Qubes Global Config.

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