Problems migrating standalone vm & with appimages

I am a relative newby to qubes but have muddled along ok so far. I just reformatted a laptop with the newest qubes and migrated most things without a problem. I have had a quick look on the net but can’t find answers that I can understand to these problems below.

  1. I was using appimages without a drama but for some reason in qubes 4.2 in Fedora templates it tells me that FUSE is not working. Can someone point me to how to fix this? Appimages work ok in debian templates just not fedora.
  2. I had a standalone vm based on fedora that was setup with a vpn. I migrated this over but it won’t work as it has no template attached to it. It still shows as ‘standalone’ but I have no option to assign it to a template, even though it didn’t have a template before (so I don’t know if that would work anyway). I can’t launch anything from this as in ‘settings’ there is nothing listed in ‘applications’. I can’t even get a terminal.

If someone can point to solutions for these I’d appreciate. I’ve done pretty well learning this distro, I thought, but having to reinstall qubes has thrown these curve balls for me.

Thank you if you take the time to reply.

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For example, on Fedora:

dnf install fuse fuse-libs

FUSE · AppImage/AppImageKit Wiki · GitHub

Did you have Qubes OS 4.1 before reinstall?
If this standalone was restored in Qubes OS 4.2 from Qubes OS 4.1 backup then maybe there is some issue related to this.

Thank you very much for the FUSE tip. All good now and everything working properly!

I inadvertently solved my other problem. I restored the standalone vm to an old 4.1 version of qubes I had (thinking as suggested that it might have been the newer version. I just then refreshed the applications (which I hadn’t done before) and hey presto, fixed. All of the applications returned and its a successful migration. I then went and did just this on my newer install and it works fine.

So everything solved here. I’m very happy with this fresh install and a lean version of qubes. Thank you again.