Problem with AppImage Disappearing Window

I am trying out Filen a backup service. Filen has a Linux AppImage, When I run the AppImage the icon displays in the upper right corner in the Notification Area and a window displays with a username and password on the desktop. After logging in the window showing the program keeps disappearing.

After loging in the window displays on the desktop displaying information about the App. This window vanishes after less than a second. when I click on the icon in the Notification Area sometimes the window displays again briefly then disappears. But if I keep clicking on the notification icon the window will display and not disappear until I interact with the window and then it disappears again. Every template I have used results in same display error that results to the AppImage window disappearing.

Are there any settings I can change to make the AppImage more usable and the App window not disappear? There is a website version of the AppImage but if you leave the website it forgets any progress on uploads.

Is this a result of a problem with how the AppImage is coded or is this a problem a result of Qubes or settings in my settings in Qubes?

You can run the appimage from terminal and check the debug output for any errors.

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$ ./filen_x86_64.AppImage node --inspect
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: Debugging - Getting Started | Node.js
19:31:59.550 › Checking for update
19:31:59.565 › Checking if an update is available
19:31:59.566 › Initializing startup windows
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
[20008:0616/] dri3 extension not supported.
19:32:01.461 › Update for version 2.0.24 is not available (latest version: 2.0.24, downgrade is disallowed).

now what?

$ ./filen_x86_64.AppImage node --inspect
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
19:31:59.550 › Checking for update
19:31:59.565 › Checking if an update is available
19:31:59.566 › Initializing startup windows
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
[20008:0616/] dri3 extension not supported.
19:32:01.461 › Update for version 2.0.24 is not available (latest version: 2.0.24, downgrade is disallowed).

What now?

$ ./filen_x86_64.AppImage node --inspect
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see: Debugging - Getting Started | Node.js
19:31:59.550 › Checking for update
19:31:59.565 › Checking if an update is available
19:31:59.566 › Initializing startup windows
libva error: vaGetDriverNameByIndex() failed with unknown libva error, driver_name = (null)
[20008:0616/] dri3 extension not supported.
19:32:01.461 › Update for version 2.0.24 is not available (latest version: 2.0.24, downgrade is disallowed).

When new users ‘type’ to fast in their first post the spam bot flags the post automatically. Maybe don’t make a new account for every post or if you must then ‘type’ slower :wink:

You don’t have any more messages when you login in app and app windows disappears?
I don’t know if the libva error is related to this problem.
This error happens because you’re running this app in VM without GPU:

I’ve checked this in kvm and there are the same messages in debug output but the window works fine.
So this should be Qubes OS issue with GUI.
You can open an issue on Qubes OS github so devs can look into it:

I don’t know how

i dont even understand what is wrong
