Problem installing quebes os

On the rest of the drive I got windows installed / windows files. Do you think that can cause the problem?

Oh I forgot to mention I’ve used the default Balena settings. I just selected the flash .iso, selected an usb drive and flashed.

@apparatus Ok so I ran the log command and this is the output I got:

Press h key to look for journalctl commands to search for string and navigate there.

Ok, those are the serach commands that showed up, which one should I use?


  /pattern          *  Search forward for (N-th) matching line.
  ?pattern          *  Search backward for (N-th) matching line.
  n                 *  Repeat previous search (for N-th occurrence).
  N                 *  Repeat previous search in reverse direction.

It didn’t found any patterns

Search for err of fail strings instead of pattern.

When I type /pattern err or /pattern fail it still shows no patterns found

Hello, please find a solution!
I have the same problem with my asus rtx 4070 ti super.
With my old 1660 ti it works fine



You can try to use proprietary driver instead of nouveau:

Ok this is what I got.

That’s only first occurrences of these strings, search for next occurrences with n key:

  n                 *  Repeat previous search (for N-th occurrence).
  N                 *  Repeat previous search in reverse direction.

Ok those are all I got from /err or /fail

What’s the output of this command?

lspci -nn


All these errors seems to be unrelated.
You can try to save the log using this command:

journalctl -b > journalctl.log

And upload it here, maybe someone can spot the problem when looking in the log by themselves.

Ok, will do that.

Can you still boot into Windows?

Look into BIOS/EFI, and see if it offers options to choose which would be the start partition. ??

I see, on an already installed version of Qubes. Something flash by with offers of starting with UEFI, or the legacy mode I have it in. Or to set up UEFI.

Someone might suggest to fiddle with boot of the drive. Which might also lead to the Windows not starting, ever again.

Some of these problems are similar.

What you are attempting, Putting both Windows and Qubes on the same disc maybe possible. I have never done anything like that. It may be easily solvable to someone here. Obviously, you are trying to get at boot time, for the computer to sort out and recognize their are two different Operating Systems available, and to let you choose which one to start.

Coupled with the possibility that the graphics card driver might not be correct, or that the kernel is maybe not meshing so well with this processor.

Like the basic documentation for install says. Qubes was meant to be installed “Bare Metal,” meaning that Xen talks to the hardware devices, and then interfaces with the operating system(s) (Fedora, Debian, Whonix) giving them internet access, and seclusion from each other with both hardware, and software. Yeah, you probably knew that.

Qubes expects to be all alone on a computer, which is needed for security reasons.

I read Ubuntu will coexist with some other Operating systems. Knowing that does not help you solve whatever is going on.

I think on the questions for you to state, like the guy in the other thread. How much do you need to use Windows? I would not encourage a new comer to Qubes, to abandon their daily driver and just just into Qubes, thinking all would be easy.

I guess my thought is, to experiment with getting Qubes to work on this piece of hardware, it would be help isolate the issues if you were only trying to install Qubes, all by itself. And I can understand why you do not want to do that.

Whichever way you go, back up your Windows, with (in my experience of failures) multiple copies of the Windows install, and extra copies of important data, and copies of passwords onto USB keys as well.

Try not to rely on incremental backups. In my experience, incremental back ups find unique and creative ways to fail, just when one is trying to restore.

Sorry, I can’t provide a solution.
