Problem installing qubes from usb

Hello folks. I am trying to boot qubes os from usb. I flashed it with When i am trying to boot i get the error "It seems that the boot has failed. Possible causes include missing inst.stage2 or inst.repo boot parameters on the kernel cmdline. Please verify that you have specified inst.stage2 or inst.repo. Please also note that ‘inst’ prefix is now mandatory. Can someone help me how to solve this?

Did you select DD image mode?

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No i choose iso. Should i try DD?


Okay thanks i’ll try now

Wannabeit, could you confirm if it worked for you? I’m running into the same issue even with DD image mode.

@wannabeit could you confirm if it worked for you? I’m running into the same issue even with DD image mode.

Update: Just fixed it by switching the SATA/NVMe operation in the bios from RAID(RST) to AHCI/NVMe.
(Depending on your bios or uefi, this feature is called VMD, and it has to be disabled).