Problem concerning creating a net-vm using mt7601u wireless card through sys-usb

Hello everyone i want to create a standalone net-vm to use separately to setup a dhcp and dns server and testing it with a client vm for a school project , this is the procedure i followed:

attached the Usb wireless card to my new net-vm through sys-usb ;
ran $usb-devices command and checked if the firmware’s binary is present in /usr/lib/firmware;
ran $sudo modprobe mt7601u and $sudo demsg to check for errors;
ran $ip address and got the interface in a down state ;
ran $ip link set wlx001711024c26 up;
running $sudo iwlist wlx001711024c26 scan gave me the result i wanted ;
trying to connect i get the error “NetworkManager is not running.” ;
tried $sudo systemctl start NetworkManager no results ;
when running $sudo systemctl status NetworkManager i get
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service.d
Active: inactive (dead)
Condition: start condition failed at Thu 2024-01-11 23:15:35 +01; 2s ago
└─ ConditionPathExists=/var/run/qubes-service/network-manager was not met

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

How did you create your net-vm qube?
For NetworkManager to work you need to add network-manager service in this qube Settings → Services.
The network-manager service is added by default if qube Net qube is set to (none) in Settings → Basic and Provides network is enabled in Settings → Advanced.


i cant thank you enough :pray:

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