Prevent Qubes OS clearnet leaks


:warning: This setup is only useful for people who want to block non-VPN / non-Tor traffic.

By default, Qubes OS checks for updates of qube’s templates using running qubes themselves generating traffic through their current netvm. To some people, this can be seen as a privacy issue because queries Qubes OS’s packages repository, which immediately flag the user as a Qubes OS user.

Even if you use sys-whonix or a VPN qube for all your qubes, there are 3 qubes that could leak network because they are before the VPN/Tor in the netvm chain:

Related to Qubes Global Config: "Disable checking for updates for all existing qubes" no longer true after new qubes are subsequently created; unclear how to reapply setting · Issue #9338 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub


The idea is to block all traffic generated by sys-usb, sys-firewall and sys-net, but still allow them to route traffic for Qubes so network still work. Although sys-usb should not have network, it is actually configure as a “providing network” qube for when you plug in an USB network adapter.

This is a software solution, this can not guarantee against leaks after an update or a misconfiguration. For a more leak-proof solution, the user should use a hardware gateway between Qubes OS and the real network to be block any unwanted traffic leak.

:information_source: Disabling update check for these qubes may be enough. But an extra security is to block all traffic.


Disable update check

Run the commands in a terminal from dom0:

qvm-service sys-firewall qubes-update-check off
qvm-service sys-net qubes-update-check off
qvm-service sys-usb qubes-update-check off
qvm-service default-dvm qubes-update-check off # just in case

Disable network done by sys-usb / sys-firewall / sys-net

Add this to the file /rw/config/rc.local in the template named default-dvm:

if [ "$(qubesdb-read /name)" = "sys-firewall" ] || [ "$(qubesdb-read /name)" = "sys-net" ] || [ "$(qubesdb-read /name)" = "sys-usb" ]
    sudo nft add chain ip qubes output '{type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop; }'
    sudo nft add chain ip6 qubes output '{type filter hook output priority 0; policy drop; }'

Restart the qubes.

sys-net is not a disposable qube

If your sys-net is not disposable, apply the same instructions as explained for default-dvm but in the qube sys-net.


  • this has not been tested extensively, this may lack leakage fixes (if any please report)
  • this might break DNS for qubes using sys-firewall/sys-usb/sys-net as the netvm
  • you need to configure the Update proxy in “Qubes Global Config” in “Updates” tab to a qube that is not sys-firewall/sys-usb/sys-net:
    • Dom0 update proxy
    • Default update proxy

I would replace hostname -s with qubesdb-read /name instead, especially for sys-net. Sometimes the hostname is not sys-net but an IPv6 address based on the user setup.


Great, thanks

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Needs another (ip6) rule to cover IPv6 too, I think?

Also this could still leak during startup of sys-net etc., because rc.local(.d/) is run by the qubes-misc-post.service systemd unit which doesn’t have an ordering before

In R4.3 there’s a new rc.local-early(.d/) run by qubes-early-vm-config.service which does have the ordering. Not backported to R4.2 yet, but it’s just a small self-contained change to /usr/lib/qubes/init/ in the TemplateVM:

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Thanks for this info! I saw the announcement for R4.3 in one of @alimirjamali 's weekly updates and will definitely test now on R4.2.

Indeed I forgot to mention this does not prevent IPv6.

For the fix in the shell script, I don’t like this, it could easily be overwritten by Qubes OS if the package holding the file is updated? An override mechanism through systemd would be better, like a postexec

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I updated the instructions, it’s now blocking IPv6

I often chattr +i a file after this kind of change to ensure any package update that would clobber the file fails and I can sort it out again. Although for I’m guessing that if it’s ever updated, the update would include the backport anyway.

BTW if the nft commands are indeed moved to rc.local-early(.d/) they’d be running concurrently with qubes-iptables, so the qubes tables might not exist yet.

Making a file immutable could be bad too because if the file has a security vulnerability that has to be fixed through an update, it won’t be updated.

Yeah but in this case the whole package/system update fails noisily. It doesn’t just silently skip the file.

with both apt and dnf?

Both, yes. Although chattr +i is probably still too hacky to recommend, because both dnf and apt will fail qubes-core-agent package updates even if the immutable file’s content hasn’t changed at all.

@marmarek Could you cherry-pick the two rc.local-early(.d) commits for R4.2?

Another approach could be to inject the new line in the script at shutdown time using a systemd oneshot service. I’ve been doing it in another project and it’s reliable.

Disable network done by sys-usb

sys-usb has no net qube. How does it “do network” (and leak)?

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sys-usb has the “provides network” check enabled, because you can use it as a network VM if you plug USB network adapter.

I wrote it in my initial draft, and it got lost… I’ll update


Come to think of it, this functionality (cleanly blocking IPv4/IPv6 output traffic) seems like a good thing to include in the actual qubes-core-agent package as part of the qubes-iptables script that creates the qubes tables. It could be enabled per VM through a qvm-service or something


Hear, hear!
QubesOs development is just coasting on, propelled by inertia, propagating wrong decisions which may have looked right 15 years ago but are still wrong and correctable today.

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sys-usb has the “provides network” check enabled, because you can use it as a network VM if you plug USB network adapter.

I see.

Wouldn’t it be wiser (and “the qubes way”) to have a firewall qube between the client and sys-usb then, instead of relying on an in-qube (in-sys-usb through the DVM template) firewall rule? What I mean is - if we are concerned that sys-usb can leak, then why should we trust it to guard us from those same leaks through a firewall rule (based on its hostname) which is in its control only? Or am I missing something?

This guide will make you run into `qubes-vm-update` should automatically use `--force-update` when `qubes-update-check` is disabled · Issue #9749 · QubesOS/qubes-issues · GitHub / you’ll have to use qubes-vm-update --force-update.

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Yes, but in most cases people would use either sys-net or sys-usb, not both. Sys-firewall could be reallocated.

Having a sys-firewall-usb by default might be confusing maybe?