The Split Browser approach for launching DisposableVMs is quite convoluted and I wouldn’t recommend doing it like that if you’re starting from scratch.
So far as I know, there is no way in software to open an unnamed disposable VM and send it commands to execute later on, even if it’s still running at that time, because the originating VM doesn’t know its name.
It can be done with the admin API.
Assuming you’re in a qube named foo and want to spawn (and communicate with) a new disp1234 qube, which will automatically be cleaned up when it shuts down:
readarray -d '' -s 1 disp < <(qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.CreateDisposable </dev/null)
wait $! || # handle error ...
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" admin.vm.Start </dev/null
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" myservice1+arg1
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" myservice2+arg2
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" admin.vm.Kill </dev/null