Disposable VMs' names--can the launcher know the name?

It can be done with the admin API.

Assuming you’re in a qube named foo and want to spawn (and communicate with) a new disp1234 qube, which will automatically be cleaned up when it shuts down:

readarray -d '' -s 1 disp < <(qrexec-client-vm dom0 admin.vm.CreateDisposable </dev/null)
wait $! || # handle error ...
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" admin.vm.Start </dev/null
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" myservice1+arg1
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" myservice2+arg2
qrexec-client-vm "$disp" admin.vm.Kill </dev/null

Which needs policy configuration like:

admin.vm.CreateDisposable + foo dom0                     allow
admin.vm.Start            + foo @tag:disp-created-by-foo allow target=dom0
myservice1                * foo @tag:disp-created-by-foo allow
myservice2                * foo @tag:disp-created-by-foo allow
admin.vm.Kill             + foo @tag:disp-created-by-foo allow target=dom0

Note that a malicious foo qube might create thousands hundreds of (not yet started) disp1234 qubes, which will probably cause some problems…

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