My netvn is not tagged as disposable and is using debian template, however I have to manually enter a password each time for my wifi.
How do we force wifi password to save ?
My netvn is not tagged as disposable and is using debian template, however I have to manually enter a password each time for my wifi.
How do we force wifi password to save ?
In your Network-Manager setting:
Network-Manager > Edit Connections > Wi-FI: YOUR_SSID > Wi-Fi tab
In the Device
field you might have wls6
or wls7
value (or else).
Delete it and leave the field empty.
Optionaly, instead of empty value, you could use your MAC address only (e.g. 3C:97:0E:42:1A:19
Save and close the Network-Manager setting.
Perfect thx!
“Delete it and leave the field empty … Save and close …”
When I try that, the option to save is not available. Unless there is a wls7 value in this field. I’m still trying to get wifi passwords to persist following reboot…rough going here.
NetworkManager in sys-net based on debian-12-xfce template lets me save the connection with Device field empty.
What’s your sys-net template?
Did you try to use MAC address in the Device field instead of leaving it empty?
I’m using sys-net Fedora-39-xfce (default) in Qubes OS 4.2.1 (R4.2) 64bit
Yes did try just the MAC address it’s been a few days (spent awhile trying every combination I could think of). I’ve changed nothing in the templates e.g. sys-net that I know of. A noob can break anything, but I’ve been careful. & something I tried (I think only the MAC address) and my sys-net/rw/config/Wi-F connention 1.nmconnection file disappeared on “save”. Amazing for a noob I had copied the file to my personal Desktop, and was able to copy it back so wifi worked again. So I’m gunshy but desperate. I copied it to to a vault-clone qube for long term storage (in rw/config - from a post I can’t find now - to just restore it after boot everytime) but now can’t copy it back - something prevents copying from there, me & openai can’t figure it out…
It works fine for me in qube based on fedora-39-xfce.
Try to create a new connection instead of editing the old one.
What error do you have?
If one uses NetworkManager, one can just add a file at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.nmconnection. It should look like this (anything in <> should not be interpreted literally and be replaced appropriately)
id=<wifi SSID>
ssid=<wifi SSID>
key-mgmt=<security method, likely wpa-psk>
psk=<wifi password>
Thanks! Following suggestion to move the “Wi-Fi connection 1.nmconnection” back into sys-net (using a script) have traced the problem to here - these are test files and folders so don’t mess up the real ones, in Terminal in qube “vault-clone”, running
“qvm-copy-to-vm sys-net rw/config/movemetest” copies the file movemetest into the sys-net’s QubesIncoming folder. But running a script from dom0 Desktop (what I wanted), the script line:
<qvm-run vault-clone “qvm-copy-to-vm sys-net rw/config/movemetest”>
returns error code 1. “user” owns “movemetest” with rw permission. I don’t see anything in “journalctl -xe”, but noob doesn’t know what I’m looking at there anyway. Pretty much clueless…
Thank you, I did save the original file Wi-Fi connection 1.nmconnection so I can copy it back into sys-net. Just wanted a script to do it, while storing the file in a vault-clone. I need to learn more about it prior to delving into the technical details you mention.
Did you specify the absolute path to the file /rw/config/movemetest
or relative path rw/config/movemetest
apparatus, o.m.g. dude I spent man-days on that, of course, relative or absolute, of course it works fine. Thank you thank you.