My machine has an external usb NIC attached, which I use for network connections in sys-usb. I added this device with the --persistent flag so it automatically attaches to sys-net anytime the system boots.
However, it seems sys-usb is started after sys-net and prevents sys-net to boot up correctly.
Is there some way to force sys-net to wait for sys-usb before starting?
What type of trouble shooting do you have in mind? Currently, the system boots up just fine. Its just that sys-net and sys-firewall don’t come up on boot. If I start them after logged into the UI, everything works.
Qubes 4.0 with kernel-latest. The NIC is a cheap noname one.
I don’t think the NIC itself is the problem. I haven’t tried yet, but I think this problem would occur with whatever usb device you connect to sys-net when using a usb vm. The problem is that sys-usb is started after sys-net. usb devices can only be attached after sys-usb has started, so sys-net is damned to fail in this case.
How is Qubes determining the start order of other vms? it seems the “NetVM” property implicitely defines such an order.
Hello, during my struggles with this very problem I somehow landed in this thread.
I am forced to use usb-eth adapter due to my MB eth being “weird” (lets not elaborate o this).
So, similar to OP, I have attached my usb-eth adapter (bound to sys-usb VM) to sys-net VM via qvm-usb.
I have also noticed that sys-net, sys-firewal, and personal do not start up automatically.
I solved it be editing systemd services: