Padlock Icons keep showing up

For dispvms the old padlock icon keeps showing up when I least expect them and I cannot get rid of them. I’ve struggled with this endlessly.

Apparently these were the icons used on Qubes up until version 4.0, but I never ever ran version 4.0. Apparently some sizes of the new icons weren’t properly implemented (as an aside some sizes of gray icons of different types are identical to the black ones).

I’m now in a situation where a launcher icon for one named disposable vm on a KDE quick launcher widget is the padlock (with the red crossed circle on it), and for another named disposable shows the disposable vm Icon (solid qube to the upper left, ghost qube to the lower right). The icons are identical in size.

I’ve tried hunting down and deleting all of the damn padlock icons, and as far as I can tell I got them all (and this took HOURS because on dom0 you cannot view the icon with any tool (properly so) so I had to tediously copy them to some other vm and look at them there…these things show up in about two dozen folders.

They should all be gone yet the goddamned thing must be coming from somewhere. It doesn’t help that kde shortcut properties won’t display the path to icons; if you want to change it it shows you a bunch of icons in a folder, somewhere.

And OBTW that utility doesn’t even show me the proper dispvm icons at all, now…just the padlocks, for all colors.

What do I have to do to get rid of these things, once and for all?

One additional bit of info: ~/.local/share/applications/org.gubes-os.vm.<VMNAME>.qubes-start.desktop will show you the path to the icon.

The icon that works properly has a full path, /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/dispvm-purple.svg

The other vm with the icon that showed me a padlock simply said dispvm-purple.svg (I have since changed it to match the other, though I had to reboot to get it to “take”. Logging out and back in might have worked too, I didn’t think to try that.) Unfortunately, this is useless since no path is given. It’s some default. Somewhere.

Honestly, I’d like a developer to take on the task of looking at every single icon file to make sure it’s right. As I mentioned before many of the “gray” icons look exactly like the black icons (depending on size).

This is still happening. Any insights?

Well, after creating another disposable and having the dang padlock show up I decided to invest the time to find out what’s going on, figuring it might take hours and lots of pain.

It didn’t, fortunately…but here’s the deal.

Many copies of icons live in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/NxN/devices/dispvm-.png.

(where N can be 16, 22, 24, 32, 36, 48, 64, 72, 96, 128, 192, 256, and 512).

These icons are all OK (solid qube upper left, with a ghost qube lower right).

But there is also: /usr/share/qubes/icons/dispvm-.png and /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/dispvm-.png.

Note that there are TWO 48x48 versions, one in …/hicolor/devices and another in …/hicolor/apps.

THOSE two are both padlocks. And I suspect that dom0 updates keep setting them back that way for some reason.

How does one raise an issue?

I can’t quite prove it but I believe the bad ones are being delivered in package qubes-desktop-linux-common. Or just possibly qubes-menus (Debian…though I’d not be surprised if this were true in Fedora as well).

I discovered the padlocks are on almost every single one of my templates (not just in dom0), and those two packages seem germane AND get installed on the first VM that has the padlock icons in it.

Now if I can just figure out where dom0 is caching the things…I still see padlocks after multiple reboots.

EDIT TO ADD: The package apparently installs the old padlock red.png instead of appvm-red.png (as well as the other colors), too. This isn’t as obnoxious because the name changed too; so long as an appvm is looking for appvm-.png for its icon it won’t find the .png icon file by mistake.

@Demi, there appears to be an issue where the qubes-desktop-linux-common package installs the old-style (padlock) icons instead of the new cube icons (I spelled with a C because they are images of literal cubes). In the case of dispvm- they conflict withe the new icons; in the case of just plain names they do not because the new icons are named appvm-. In any case this was causing me to sometimes see padlock dispvm icons instead of cube dispvm icons depending on sizing. This package is offered for use by minimal (debian) templates and the icons seem to get int dom0 /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/dispvm-.png (not 48x48/devices) and /usr/share/qubes/icons/dispvm-.png

(Also as a side note in some sizes the gray icons for various Qube types are identical to the black ones.)