Option to move/copy/edit/view/open in other qubes from minimal template

I am configuring a Debian minimal template and installed zenity (and Nautilus as well) according to the Qubes official documentation, but I still don’t see the option to “move/copy/edit/view/open in other qubes” in the file manager of the VM based on minimal template. Is there anything else I am missing? Thanks.

The zenity package is required for interactive dialogs, e.g., file selection (#5202) and for using the Nautilus menu option to copy some files to other qubes (#6801).

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Note this:

qubes-core-agent-nautilus: This package provides integration with the Nautilus file manager (without it, items like “copy to VM/open in disposable” will not be shown in Nautilus).

– from Minimal templates | Qubes OS


Thanks @likeafox for the response. I installed qubes-core-agent-nautilus but still unable to see the options to move/copy/edit/view/open in other qubes from the right-click drop-down…

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