OpenBSD Template sys-net

I want to know how can i use OpenBSD Template on sys-net to have a more hardened sys-net. I already searched for this, found unman’s notes and etc, but none of them helped me unfortunately. I don’t know if i misunderstanding or something. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

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This should have the information you need.

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I would appreciate if someone could distill and simplify the instructions in there for getting an OpenBSD sys-net qube up and running.

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I think the only working solution currently is in my notes:

Look at openBSD_as_netvm

These are old notes, not instructions.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.

Appreciate it.

Yep, I noticed that, too. I would like to see a guide on setting this up similar in kind to @Sven 's minimal template setup guide.

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If you need help ping back


Hello! I don’t understand the step to create NetVM Fw. I need to create this NetVM based on Debian? OpenBSD? I don’t know. If it is based on Debian or smth, so the NetVM will not have the OpenBSD hardening right?

Create the FW using whatever template you like.
It’s just providing the link between the other qubes and the openBSD
The openBSD qube will have the NIC attached, and will function like

Instead of :
qube → FW → sys-net–NIC

You will have:
qube → FW ← openBSD–NIC

The FW here has no netvm set.

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Got it! But unfortunately i don’t get access to internet. I did all the steps but i still don’t have access to the internet. When i set a Qube to use Fw as NetVM, all pages that i try to access stay loading for 1 minute and after bring the error: “We’re having trouble finding that site.” The Qube that i used use kicksecure-16 as template. And the only error i got with the steps on notes was in “bring up em0” with dhclient em0 on OpenFW. I got the error "fatal in dhclient: if_nametoindex(em0) == 0.

Check the interface names in the OpenBSD qube

@jcholsap has also put together a guide based on the work of @unman