Open URL from selected Qube in disposable Tor browser

I would like to open all my URL links in qube on disposable Tor browser vm. (I usewhere I have *.Appimage freetube)

I tried do URL Handling thru QubesOs Global Config
But doesn’t work, I don`t know why !
When clicking for help in global config, it open in DisposibleVM

Then I look for some help on Forum
I found this

Manage so far to make mybrowser.desktop
changed :

Exec=qvm-open-in-vm <TARGET_QUBE> %u 

I change to

Exec=qvm-open-in-vm <whonix-workstation-17-dvm> %u

Result is prompt to open and select qube, instead of opening in Disposible Tor browser.

Another question.
Why do I have to do all of this if I could do URL Handling thru QubesOs Global Config
but still, when does work ?

For disposable you need to use this:

Exec=qvm-open-in-dvm %u


Exec=qvm-open-in-vm @dispvm %u

If you add a custom policy like this:

qubes.OpenURL	*	myqubename	@dispvm:whonix-workstation-17-dvm	allow

Then you can also use this command:

Exec=qvm-open-in-vm @dispvm:whonix-workstation-17-dvm %u

The policy setting in Qubes Global Config is just for dom0 to handle (allow/ask/deny) the requests from the qubes to open something in another qube.
You need to configure what and how to open in the qube itself.

Thank you, its working now.
You made it easy to understand i appreciated.

When I have multiple links open, mean multiple dvm will appear.
How I can fix that? Maybe time limit to set ?
All new links In this frame time, will open in same dmv.

It’s not supported currently:
Maybe you can use a named disposable instead.

Small inconvenience to live with :stuck_out_tongue: