Open-Source NVIDIA driver

Did anyone try to install the new NVIDIA open-source driver? I’m currently trying to do a build on my machine.
url for repo: GitHub - NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules: NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source


Are these the “official drivers”? That is, are these what Nvidia puts into their commercial hardware?

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Hopefully, it is.


yes, newer GPU (since GTX 1650 AFAIK) support a newer open source driver, although it may not be as mature as the proprietary driver.


There is an rpmfusion package: Howto/NVIDIA - RPM Fusion

It is pretty confusing though. Only kernel driver is open source, it still requires proprietary user space driver. Thus, you install it from a nonfree repository. In addition to that, akmods-nvidia uses pre-built driver, for it to be built from source you must install different package from the tainted repository.

Is there no truly open-source option for nvidia? Please share your knowledge.

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Use integrated graphics instead.

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NVIDIA open-source driver

I didn’t even know one existed.
Obviously, Linus giving them the finger finally worked?

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