I have the ProtonMail app that I installed from the .rpm file on the Proton website. In the Qubes OS general configuration under URL Handling, I have set ProtonMailVM to always use Fedora-dvm:
However, this doesn’t work. In the past, I set an email to open in DispVM, but it was different; I had to set the default browser of my mail VM to qvm-open-in-dvm, if I remember correctly.
No I want to open all links (like a URL in an email) in a dispVM automatically.
I think it’s possible!
But what you send can be helpful for extra safety for sure. Thanks!
What do you mean by automatically? Like opening an email and opening all the links in it without any interaction?
What I have linked opens links that you click within a disposable qube. The mime file redirects both http and https mime types to open-in-dvm.desktop, which is created in the same guide.