Open link on dispVM for my proton mail app (Fedora 40)

I have the ProtonMail app that I installed from the .rpm file on the Proton website. In the Qubes OS general configuration under URL Handling, I have set ProtonMailVM to always use Fedora-dvm:

qubes.OpenURL * ProtonMailVM @dispvm allow target=dispvm:fedora-dvm

However, this doesn’t work. In the past, I set an email to open in DispVM, but it was different; I had to set the default browser of my mail VM to qvm-open-in-dvm, if I remember correctly.

Thanks for your help!

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You are probably looking for this?

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No I want to open all links (like a URL in an email) in a dispVM automatically.
I think it’s possible!
But what you send can be helpful for extra safety for sure. Thanks!

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What do you mean by automatically? Like opening an email and opening all the links in it without any interaction?

What I have linked opens links that you click within a disposable qube. The mime file redirects both http and https mime types to open-in-dvm.desktop, which is created in the same guide.

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Ho yes you are right !
Thanks this is what i want !

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