Odd errors while starting out with salt

I tried following both these guides:

What I don’t understand is why I am getting something saying critical, some interface is unavailable.

The first guide leads me to this error when I try to create my-new-vm.sls and run the command
qubesctl top.enable my-new-vm

[CRITICAL] Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs is unavailable
'top.enable' is not available.
DOM0 configuration failed, not continuing

Here are my configuration files:

    - name: salt-test # can be omitted when same as ID
    - template: fedora-21
    - label: yellow
    - mem: 2000
    - vcpus: 4
    - flags:
      - proxy

and my-new-vm.top

    - my-new-vm

Second guide:
created /srv/user_salt/salty.sls

    - name: salty
    - present:
      - template: fedora-38
      - label: purple
    - prefs:
      - label: purple

Then added this next part to /srv/user_salt/top.sls

    - salty

And I get these errors after running the command
sudo qubesctl state.highstate

[CRITICAL] Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs is unavailable
[CRITICAL] Specified ext_pillar interface qvm_prefs is unavailable
[ERROR   ] State 'qvm.vm' was not found in SLS 'salty'
Reason: 'qvm.vm' is not available.

         ID: salty--create-qube
   Function: qvm.vm
       Name: salty
     Result: False
    Comment: State 'qvm.vm' was not found in SLS 'salty'
             Reason: 'qvm.vm' is not available.

Summary for local
Succeeded: 0
Failed:    1
Total states run:     1
Total run time:   0.000 ms
DOM0 configuration failed, not continuing
[root@dom0 user_salt]#

can you try qubesctl saltutil.sync_all

Did you try qubesctl state.sls salty saltenv=use

Seems to work somehow now. I tried a number of things online, I’m not sure what fixed it. Thanks

These problems arise because most users dont understand that this is
set-up as a different environment in salt terms.
That is why many of the states and pillars are not available out of the
box in that environment.

What most people seem to want is just a directory where they
can put their own states which will be part of the base environment. The
salt way to do this is to add an entry under the base environment in

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

This file says
# This file is managed by Salt, do not edit by hand!!
at the top. I’m just starting out with salt so I don’t know much about this stuff, but it seems like that isn’t the intended use of that file?

Will salt by any chance ever overwrite my changes if I add them here?
And yes, I’m interested in making my own states that will be part of the base enviorment

and directly below that it says “start qubes custom settings”
In the context of the Qubes configuration it’s exactly the intended use.

Well Qubes may in an update, but it should not.
The simplest way to make your own states is to create directories
to hold them under /srv/salt.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

This configuration is explicitly covered in the salt documentation
where there is no salt master - you will see that file client
is set to local

[root@dom0 salt]# sudo qubesctl state.highstate
[WARNING ] top_file_merging_strategy is set to 'merge' and multiple top files were found. Merging order is not deterministic, it may be desirable to either set top_file_merging_strategy to 'same' or use the 'env_order' configuration parameter to specify the merging order.

Passed invalid arguments: 'NoneType' object is not iterable.


    Retrieve the state data from the salt master for this minion and execute it

        Run states in test-only (dry-run) mode

        Custom Pillar values, passed as a dictionary of key-value pairs

        .. code-block:: bash

            salt '*' state.highstate stuff pillar='{"foo": "bar"}'

        .. note::
            Values passed this way will override Pillar values set via
            ``pillar_roots`` or an external Pillar source.

        .. versionchanged:: 2016.3.0
            GPG-encrypted CLI Pillar data is now supported via the GPG
            renderer. See :ref:`here <encrypted-cli-pillar-data>` for details.

        Specify which renderer to use to decrypt encrypted data located within
        the ``pillar`` value. Currently, only ``gpg`` is supported.

        .. versionadded:: 2016.3.0

        Exclude specific states from execution. Accepts a list of sls names, a
        comma-separated string of sls names, or a list of dictionaries
        containing ``sls`` or ``id`` keys. Glob-patterns may be used to match
        multiple states.

        .. code-block:: bash

            salt '*' state.highstate exclude=bar,baz
            salt '*' state.highstate exclude=foo*
            salt '*' state.highstate exclude="[{'id': 'id_to_exclude'}, {'sls': 'sls_to_exclude'}]"

        Specify a salt fileserver environment to be used when applying states

        .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0
            Argument name changed from ``env`` to ``saltenv``.

        .. versionchanged:: 2014.7.0
            If no saltenv is specified, the minion config will be checked for a
            ``saltenv`` parameter and if found, it will be used. If none is
            found, ``base`` will be used. In prior releases, the minion config
            was not checked and ``base`` would always be assumed when the
            saltenv was not explicitly set.

        Specify a Pillar environment to be used when applying states. This
        can also be set in the minion config file using the
        :conf_minion:`pillarenv` option. When neither the
        :conf_minion:`pillarenv` minion config option nor this CLI argument is
        used, all Pillar environments will be merged together.

    queue : False
        Instead of failing immediately when another state run is in progress,
        a value of ``True`` will queue the new state run to begin running once
        the other has finished.

        This option starts a new thread for each queued state run, so use this
        option sparingly.

        .. versionchanged:: 3006.0
            This parameter can also be set via the ``state_queue`` configuration
            option. Additionally, it can now be set to an integer representing
            the maximum queue size which can be attained before the state runs
            will fail to be queued. This can prevent runaway conditions where
            new threads are started until system performance is hampered.

    concurrent : False
        Execute state runs concurrently instead of serially

        .. warning::

            This flag is potentially dangerous. It is designed for use when
            multiple state runs can safely be run at the same time. Do *not*
            use this flag for performance optimization.

        Optionally, instead of using the minion config, load minion opts from
        the file specified by this argument, and then merge them with the
        options from the minion config. This functionality allows for specific
        states to be run with their own custom minion configuration, including
        different pillars, file_roots, etc.

        The mock option allows for the state run to execute without actually
        calling any states. This then returns a mocked return which will show
        the requisite ordering as well as fully validate the state run.

        .. versionadded:: 2015.8.4

        The state_events option sends progress events as each function in
        a state run completes execution.

        .. versionadded:: 3006.0

    CLI Examples:

    .. code-block:: bash

        salt '*' state.highstate

        salt '*' state.highstate whitelist=sls1_to_run,sls2_to_run
        salt '*' state.highstate exclude=sls_to_exclude
        salt '*' state.highstate exclude="[{'id': 'id_to_exclude'}, {'sls': 'sls_to_exclude'}]"

        salt '*' state.highstate pillar="{foo: 'Foo!', bar: 'Bar!'}"
DOM0 configuration failed, not continuing
[root@dom0 salt]# 

It seems as if I screwed something up (no custom salt config files added with this and it looks like something is broken.) In the event that this happens, is there a way that I could reset my salt files back to the defaults?

Without knowing what it is you have done, and what your highstate
purports to be, it’s extremely difficult to help.
Did you actually edit any salt configuration files? Which Ones? Why
What changes did you make?

If you want, I assume you could reinstall the packages with sudo qubes-dom0-update --action=reinstall
At least you would want salt and salt-minion, and the various
qubes-mgmt… packages. (Check dnf list|grep salt for complete list.
I wouldnt do that unless I was clear that I had broken the
configuration, and to do that you would need to recite the changes that
you made.

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

That would reset all dom0 configuration and nothing else? I haven’t configured dom0 besides broken salt, so that would be what I would want in that case.

As I said -
Without knowing what it is you have done, and what your highstate
purports to be, it’s extremely difficult to help.
Did you actually edit any salt configuration files? Which Ones? Why?
What changes did you make?

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team. When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.

Ah I fixed it. Left


in /srv/user_salt/top.sls and that was causing the issue.