No Windows Manager On Qubes OS 4.2.2 on Dell Latitude 5420


I’ve installed twice Qubes OS 4.2.2 on a Dell Latitude 5420.
And twice, after a few updates I loose the Window Manager.
Without any Windows manager, it means I can have only one windows at a time, whatever what qubes it belongs.
That’s really anoying.

Why do I loose the Window Manager ?
How can I restore it ?

Any help appreciated.

I can provide more details if required.

Thank you

At what point do you lose the Window Manager?
When the updates are being installed?
Or just randomly after updates are already installed?

Can you make a screenshot/photo of it to understand what do you see better?

I do not know exactly when the windows manager disappears.
The only thing I know, it is that I totally reinstalled Qubes OS 4.2.2 twice, and quickly I had no Window Manager. I think it is related to an update, because I do not see any other explanation.
I’ll try to attach a screenshot/photo.

However, imagine you start the Qubes manager, and you can’t resize it and before starting any other qubes or tool, you must clsose it first.
Anyway, thank you for your reply.

Any idea about how I can restore the Window Manager ?

It is possible to change, modify, configure the Windows Manager in Qubes OS ?

Did you install any software in dom0?
Did you change any configs in dom0?

No idea, never had such issue. But this shouldn’t be Qubes-specific since you have this issue with windows in dom0 itself. Try to search for similar issues in e.g. XFCE Fedora.

You can change it in dom0 system.

Here is the screenshot.

Did you install any software in dom0?
Did you change any configs in dom0?


No idea, never had such issue. But this shouldn’t be Qubes-specific since you have this issue with windows in dom0 itself. Try to search for similar issues in e.g. XFCE Fedora.


You can change it in dom0 system.

Where ? Which tool should I use ?

Thank you again for your help and concern.

You’ve at least changed the system theme, maybe you’ve changed some configs along with it?

Dom0 is basically a Fedora with XFCE so search how to do what you want in xfwm4 in Fedora.

My first and last name appear on the screenshot.
Can you remove it, please ?

Thank you…

can you try to disable the compositor?

Yes, but how ??

Look for the menu “Peaufinage des fenêtres”, it will have an advanced settings with a checkbox related to the compositor

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Thank you again.

I tried to start the “Peaufinage des fenêtres” but nothing happens !
The tool won’t show up…

I’ve removed it from my post, but it’s still displayed in the post edit history.
I guess we need to ask @moderators to remove it.

Try to open it by running this command in dom0 terminal:

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Try to open it by running this command in dom0 terminal:


I tried, and I get the message:
These settings cannot work with your current windows manager (unknown)

Where can I manually set my current window manager. I guess there is a configuration file for this…

Try to delete ~/.cache/sessions and reboot:


Thank you very much !

You solved my problem.

I could not thank you earlier as I had posted too many messages, and had to wait for 21 hours before being allowed to post again.

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