No network connection

It worked!! Finally i can use Qubes without problems. Thank you so much for you help, appreciate it!

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Glad it works now!
This is strange that the chain is empty, it seems that the NetworkManager hook is not working properly for some reason (maybe a timing issue).
So save the command somewhere and use it if this happens again.

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Also, you should probably remove no-strict-reset and permissive from your pci attachment to sys-net for security reasons.
Use these commands when sys-net is turned off:

qvm-pci detach sys-net dom0:<pci slot>
qvm-pci attach --persistent sys-net dom0:<pci slot>
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Yes, i saved. i started my Desktop right now and the problem just happened again, i executed the command and it back to work. I think that this will back everytime i reboot the machine

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Ok, removed here. Thanks

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