No network after install

That’s a common issue. Please do this in dom0 terminal and try again:

qvm-shutdown --wait --all

qvm-pci detach sys-net dom0:00_1f.6

qvm-pci attach sys-net --persistent --option no-strict-reset=true

The first command shuts down all of your qubes, this is not strictly
necessary but will help avoid complications. The second command remove
the Ethernet adapter from sys-net, while the third adds it again but
with an option telling Qubes that this adapter doesn’t support resets.

Let’s do this and see if we can get at least your Ethernet working.

Regarding WiFi … I can’t even see your WiFi device in the list. A lot
of your devices seem to not be recognized properly. Can you run
qubes-hcl-report in dom0 please and post the resulting .yml file?