
I wanted to use my almost-non-existent nftables skills to recreate the famous mullvad dns rerouting script since there are no iptables in the newer qubes version, apperantly its not even installed and only nftables are available… yeah wth is that

type nat hook prerouting priority dstnat; policy accept;
		ip daddr udp dport 53 dnat to
		ip daddr tcp dport 53 dnat to
		ip daddr udp dport 53 dnat to
		ip daddr tcp dport 53 dnat to

as far as my limited knowledge goes 10.139.1.{1,2} are rerouting dns queries to the previous net providing qube, other then the fact that this sounds dangerous to me as a correlation point having 2 pararel qube chains sourcing their dns from the top of the tree (ie sys-net), nevertheless why are we pointing to itself?or am I missing something like is it forwarding the next-qube-in-the-chain dns traffic to the previous-qube-in-the-chain or something? I am completely confused here

This is for the next qube in the chain, not the previous one. When a qube sends a DNS query, it is forwarded to its netvm and down the chain until it hits a “real” DNS server (like sys-net, which get the router DNS from DHCP, or anything else that hijacks the DNS queries before it like a VPN qube).

It looks confusing, but the “ip daddr” part just marks the supposed destination. Here it is used as a filter to say “if the destination address is with protocol udp(tcp) on port 53, then do…”, so it is more specific than doing a global redirect of all requests from port 53 to

In your case, you need to keep the first part of this request to redirect everything coming from and change the dnat part to redirect queries to the Mullvad DNS IP.

Just because I tend to be stupid, for my vpn I should just

        ip daddr udp dport 53 dnat to <vpn-dns>
		ip daddr tcp dport 53 dnat to <vpn-dns>
		ip daddr udp dport 53 dnat to <vpn-dns>
		ip daddr tcp dport 53 dnat to <vpn-dns>

I just have to ask for clearficifaction, my nftables understanding is almost non existent and i sometimes wish it had kept the iptables syntax

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sweet thanks

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