Newbie can't get launch past "audit: type=..."

To all those who came after.
I gave up.
Nvidia broke me.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X (12)
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
RAM: 16 GB

Installed from USB (Fedora Media Writer) (UEFI).

Minimal hoop-jumping during install:
Added: “noexitboot=1 modprobe.blacklist=nouveau rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau — intitrd.img” to install parameters.
Removed: “quiet” from install parameters.

Installed just fine.

(Removed “quiet” from launch parameters of “Qubes, with Xen hypervisor”)
But after launch and decrypt password, I get what you see in the image for about 20 hours on first attempt.

The frequency of the messages decreases over time, with the last few taking hours each.

Before the the “audits”:

Something about USB’s
“kauditd_printk_skb: 13 callbacks suppressed”

I have tried reinstalling, different install options, different UEFI settings, and just about every troubleshooting manual I could find.

I’m fine with being told Qubes just won’t run on this machine at this point.

Pls help?

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Remove the GPU, then try again.

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Might be a stupid question but:
Since no intergrated GPU, will that work?

it doesn’t

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I see, I did not realize the technical limitations of that processor. You can either upgrade as far as Cezanne, upgrade sockets, change platforms, and/or wait until someone else addresses your issue. Here are Qubes OS’ system requirements:

Note the following quote: