NetworkManager issues with wired connection since upgrade to Qubes 4.2

I’m having an unusual issue with Qubes 4,2, that never occurred with 4.1. I’m wondering if anyone else is having this issue, or has ideas on where to look.

Whenever sys-net is restarted, for example by Qubes Update, network manager fails to reconnect.

This does not happen if sys-net is stopped, then started
This does not happen if wifi interface is used (only occurs for wired)

Stop/Start sys-net (not a good option)
Rebooting PC (not a good option)
Remove patch cable, wait 5 seconds, re-attach patch cable (this works)

Logs show many events like this: dhcp4 (ens6): state changed no lease

After re-attaching patch cable, will see: dhcp4 (ens6): state changed new lease, address=192.168.x.y

sys-net is using fedora-39-xfce for template

This issue occurs on two different PC’s both running 4.2 with wired connections (and does not occur on their wifi connections).

Both are using DHCP, and connecting to different switches.

Has anyone else had this issue?
Any ideas?

You can try to use latest kernel and latest firmware.
What’s your Ethernel controller model?

The controller is: 00:06.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM (rev 10)

I’ll try kernel latest.

Maybe related:

Kernel-latest didn’t help.

It’s interesting that the bug #9356 is the same hardware, but I don’t see a reset error, and the issue only occurs on a restart. Stop/start is fine.

You can leave a comment there with a description of your issue, if devs will decide that it’s not related then maybe you can create a new issue.

Maybe this is also related to #9313.

Yes, that seems like the same issue. Thank you.