Networking works in some qubes, but not in others (fedora-40-xfce on R4.2)

Hi, new to Qubes, I’ve been experimenting with making all the types of Qubes, but I can get networking on only one of my Service qubes but not others, one of my Template qubes but not others, 3 of my Application qubes has it working but not 5 others, I have no idea why.
What settings do I need to check to make networking work?

Welcome to Qubes.

Networking should be automatic if you have the netvm set in a qube.

There’s almost never any need to have templates directly connected to
the network because they use a proxy to get updates. This is covered in
the docs.

So that is where you start. If you have sys-net connected to a network,
and you have a qube with netvm set to sys-net, it should be able to
access that network. Then, a qube with netvm set to sys-firewall should
be able to access…, and so on.

Without a great deal more information it’s difficult to know what
problem you have encountered.
Start off with basic template-based qubes with netvms leading up to
If any dont work, look at the template they are using.

Gather information on what works and what doesnt and fed it back in

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.
When I comment in the Forum I speak for myself.