Network and reboot problems on NV41


I get problems with NV41 from NovaCustom. Sure, I can send it back for service, but I want to check here first. Maybe somebody has an Idea and a solution is simple.

OS: QubesOS 4.2.1
Kernel: 6.6.29-1.fc37

I made a fresh install after I bought the laptop and recovered my backup VMs. There was no sys-net or dom0, so as I understand no relevant system or network settings.


  1. If I click reboot, the system gets dark and after some short time I get full powered Fans running and nothing else happens, so I must do a hard reset.

  2. If I go to suspend, sometimes I get no internet connection after that. I could not really reproduce the behavior. It seems to be rather random.


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did you try to update the firmware? I remember having an issue with an old firmware version, rebooting was not working although shutdown and power up again was working fine.

what is your network card? With the atheros one, I also had network issues sometimes after a suspend, restarting sys-net was solving it. Firmware update also fixed it.

I have the latest Heads version 0.9.0 or is there some other firmware layer which I can update?

Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi
Realtek Semiconductor RTL 8111/8168/8411

That’s strange because the Laptop is “certified hardware” for QubesOS, so I wonder, why I have these problems. And I can not imagine, how I could make something wrong on installing Qubes or recovering the backup VMs (as I said, no dom0 and sys-net).

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nobody had such issue with this laptop?

you should ask NovaCustom about this, this is not normal.

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I found in some news from QubesOS in 2023, that I need to choose “kernel latest” option on the install. Is it still needed?

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ok, thanks. So if I made a fresh install, I just chose the standard installation.

By the way, are these network adapters officially supported by QubesOS?

Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi
Realtek Semiconductor RTL 8111/8168/8411

Because I read something else on the official site.

I think Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi is not a certified configuration:

Realtek Semiconductor RTL8111/8168/8411 should be a part of a certified configuration.

But I have Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi and it works for me without any workaround.

in my case it doesn’t work properly. But sometimes I didn’t even get LAN, if I come back from suspend. So the question is, if it’s a problem with the network device or something else.

I don’t have S3 suspend on my machine so I don’t use suspend and can’t comment on it.
There is an S0ix experimental suspend support, but I didn’t try it.

so what do you use, when you close your laptop?

I’m using it stationary and it’s always connected to AC so I’m either just locking the screen or powering it off.

so, is there anybody out there who uses suspend mode and has the same configuration of the network devices?

I have a different Intel wifi, but I also often lose LAN on restoring from suspend. However, restarting sys-net always recovers it.

But what about “certified hardware”. I thought, if it’s certified, everything works.
I had an old Tuxedo before and it had the same problem. That’s why I bought “certified hardware” for QubesOS, for not having this problems.

The question is, is it a problem with the wifi device or something else? Could my wifi device also kill LAN after suspend or why is also LAN sometimes not there after suspend?

As it seems, my wifi device " Intel Alder Lake-P PCH CNVi WiFi" has AX211 subsystem:

Officially certified is AX200/201 or AX1675x as I understand:

Sure, I’m in contact with nova custom and we will see, how we can solve this problem. But surely there were some pros from Qubes to check and certify the NV41.

So as it seems, I’m NOT alone with this problem.

This is the AX-201 WiFi card and it is a certified option.

If I click reboot, the system gets dark and after some short time I get full powered Fans running and nothing else happens, so I must do a hard reset.

  • This might be related to a known issue that has been resolved with Dasharo coreboot+Heads update v0.9.1. Please update the firmware and see if the issue is still there.

If I go to suspend, sometimes I get no internet connection after that. I could not really reproduce the behavior. It seems to be rather random.

I have a different Intel wifi, but I also often lose LAN on restoring from suspend. However, restarting sys-net always recovers it.

But what about “certified hardware”. I thought, if it’s certified, everything works.

  • Certification in this case means that the laptop (with certified configuration options) has been tested by both our firmware developers team as well as the main developers of Qubes OS. I suspect that the issue has either started with some update or that the network connectivity has only been tested once after resuming from S3 suspend mode for both teams. I think most Heads users don’t use suspend mode, which might be why this issue has never been reported so far.

It could also be that a certain configuration is problematic.

Please submit a Dasharo bug report so that our team can work on a solution. You can also submit a Qubes OS bug report. Please add as many details as you have, including firmware version and the kernel versions of dom0 and sys-net.

In addition, you can submit a warranty request and send the laptop to us so that we can send you a return label free of charge to further investigate this issue. But it might be worth it to await the responses of the Dasharo and Qubes OS teams.

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You’re right, you need to check the Subsystem in the lspci -k output to see the WiFi module model.

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I don’t have this issue

you have the option with the AX211 and the Intel Alder Lake-P is this AX211. AX211 is not officially supported, as I can see in the News from Qubes in 2023. I don’t know if they had some upgrades to support it in 2024. But my device is definetly AX211.

Yes, I updated the firmware these days and it seems to work now.

Don’t really understand why, but I use it very much.

I will do it next days.

Till now I’d like to try to solve it via Dasharo & Qubes teams.

The next step could maybe be, to change to AX211 with the AX201.