Network adaptor not available

I have read the docs and the relevant FAQs but couldn’t find anything on this. I am running Qubes 4.1.0. I’ve used ubuntu for a long while now and am seeing if qubes is worth trying out. But to the problem at hand, I tried following how others have setup their network settings but cant seem to duplicate their results. I believe I am missing a step or two because after adding the network device by going to: Qube Mamager->sys-net->Settings->Devices->(move network adapter from the “Available” selection to the “selected” section)->click “ok”. Then when I try to go into Service: sys-net->sys-net: Settings and look for a network to connect to there ends up not being a network device found. Has anyone seen this before? I have verified that the network adapter is connected to sys-net by running “lspci” in the terminal.

Hi @Cots, welcome to the Community! After you add the network device to sys-net qube, you should use the Network Manager icon to connect to the network, just like in Fedora. The sys-net:Settings should have no networking, because this qube does not get network from other qubes.