Need urgent help with storage re-size


I had an appvm with with 20gb of sotrage, both private and system. It’s template had the same. Now, I changed the template for 30gb, both private and system, and then changed appvm’s private only for 20gb, because the system storage max size was grayed out.
Now I can’t even start the appvm… and I need to copy files from there urgently. Any tips plz?
And how should I enlarge the size for appvm if needed next time?

Could be related to Bug #9251. Trying increasing qrexec_timeout parameter temporarily.

qvm-prefs appvm qrexec_timeout 600

Then start it and wait a little bit more. If it does not help, attaching the private volume snapshot to a working VM and extracting files should be possible.

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Can you explain how to do it please?

Did you start your template qube after changing its storage size in Settings before starting your qube based on this template?
The template needs to resize its system storage first.

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Do this:

Step 0: Backup the current non-working VM. It is always good to have backups. Even if it is partially-working.
Step 1: See if Volume backup and revert guide works.
Step 2: If the above (or increasing qrexec_timeout) does not work, you could use qvm-block to attach the private volume of the appvm to another working appvm. There are many similar Q&A on forum. Such as this one. Read few of them and follow their guides.

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Thank you so much! It did start with the qrexec_timeout 600!

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Glad to hear that. You could revert the timeout back to 120 seconds. If you like.