January 10, 2024, 12:32am
I need some help with setting up mullvad based on this guide
Note: If you seek to enhance your privacy, you may also wish to consider Whonix .
You should also be aware of the potential risks of VPNs .
Although setting up a VPN connection is not by itself Qubes specific, Qubes includes a number of tools that can make the client-side setup of your VPN more versatile and secure. This document is a Qubes-specific outline for choosing the type of VM to use, and shows how to prepare a ProxyVM for either NetworkManager or a set of fail-safe VPN scripts.
I was able to get to step 5 after i set up my vpn once i started adding the firewall scripts and the auto start after that i tried to go into the appvm that was using my sys-vpn for networking and went to the mullvad website and it said that i wasnt connected to mullvad anymore if someone could give me a hand would appreciate it. p.s I’m trying to able to connect to tor then my vpn
Are you using Qubes OS 4.1 or 4.2?
The guide is for Qubes OS 4.1.
For Qubes OS 4.2 you need to use nftables instead of iptables.
January 10, 2024, 7:13am
Oh didn’t know I’m using 4.2 where can I find some examples for nftables that I would need to use I’m new to qubes and Linux
Here is an example for wireguard, you can get the example nftables rules from there:
Good news, with fedora-38 the network manager supports Wireguard out of the box!
The only thing required are extra firewall rules in the VPN qube, as explained in the community documentation about VPN .
What you’ll need
This guide assumes you are using a VPN service that has wireguard support, most of them do, but you can also add your own if you have a server.
ProtonVPN has a free plan, it has limits but gives you a fully working VPN and they support WireGuard. This pro…
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You can also try Qubes-vpn-support:
I’ve just tried it with both template and AppVM install and with OpenVPN and Wireguard and it worked.
Are you sure that you’re using the Qubes-vpn-support with my patches?
You need to either download zip from this link:
GitHub - 1cho1ce/Qubes-vpn-support at replace-iptables-with-nftables
Or if you’re using git then:
git clone
cd Qubes-vpn-support
git checkout replace-iptables-with-nftables
Or just:
git clone -b replace-iptables-with-nftable…