Need some help starting out creating HVM template from usb flash drive attached ISO

I am new to Qubes. I currently host my own lab on Proxmox with a 6 node cluster. I am in process of experimenting with Qubes to host a simple pentesting lab. I have ParrotOs ISO installed on a usb flash drive. I have two questions that I’ll need my hand held for

  1. How do I create the template from the ISO on the flash drive?
  2. If I create this template will I be able to create an HVM from that template?

I am not selfish with my knowledge. Once I learn something I believe in giving back. I use open source software almost exclusively and I believe it’s my responsibility to give back to the open source community when I’ve learned something. So if someone is willing to hold my hand for a couple weeks to help get me started then I will help other noobies when they’re looking for help. I think I understand how to create a HVM but I am trying to figure out how to use the flash drive ISO for that creation? I may have a lot of questions, but at 56 years old I still learn and retain knowledge fairly well.
Thanks for taking some of your valuable time to assist me…

Are you sure you wouldn’t want to use unman’s Parrot template if on Qubes R4.1?

Welcome to Qubes.
You haven’t said much about your set up, so I will assume that you are
running 4.1, and have a sys-usb installed. So the flash drive is
connected to sys-usb.
You use the term “template” - to be sure, you can create a standalone
which is also a template, and I will assume that this is what you want.

  1. Start a disposable, and attach the flash-drive to it, using the devices
    gui, or in dom0:
    qvm-block attach dispXXXX sys-usb:DEVICE
  2. In the disposable, mount the new device - it will probably be available
    at /dev/xvdi
  3. In dom0 - create a template:
    qvm-create --class TemplateVM -l LABEL NAME
  4. Set properties, in Settings or using qvm-prefs:
    You may also want to set memory and vcpu, and adjust netvm.
    You may also want to adjust the size of the System_storage - you can do
    this in the Settings GUI, or using qvm-volume resize
  5. Start the new qube:
    qvm-start NAME --cdrom=dispXXXX:/PATH_TO_ISO
  6. Install to /dev/sda

You can create qubes from this template as usual.
Unless you take steps to store data on the private storage, these
qubes will be disposables. This may or may not be what you want.

If you want a normal template you can build it yourself quite easily
using qubes-builder. I’ve posted details on how to adapt stock
builds before.
I provide qubes-packages for Arch and Ubuntu, and templates, including Parrot,
available at

If you don’t want a template, just create a standalone, specifying
You can set properties as you create the qube, but to start with I
suggest you do this separately, until you are familiar with qubes

I never presume to speak for the Qubes team.

When I comment in the Forum or in the mailing lists I speak for myself.