I’m interested to migrating from windows to qubes 4.1, but I don’t really know the comparability with multi display setups, I have seen various people here and on GitHub that had problems with 2 displays but those issues are 2-4 years ago so n don’t know the current status on this.
I have 3 1440p displays and a 4k tv each to an output in my 3080.
I’ve got a 1080p laptop with a 1440p external display on 4.2, and everything seems to be pretty snappy. The very few issues I’ve had were solved by rebooting the offending qubes.
I would be instead worried with the amount of screen real estate you have that needs to be rendered, especially on the VM side, as everything in user VMs are software rendered. However, I’m assuming you have a pretty powerful CPU to match that GPU in your computer, so maybe my worries aren’t anything to stress over at all.
I’d definitely try it out. There shouldn’t be any bugs to worry about as far as I’m aware. But I’d look out for performance dips that go away with using one/two screens.