Mullvad VPN App 4.2 setup guide

Nope, thanks for sharing.

If someone only uses a single instance of Mullvad app, the template increases the setup complexity, but it’s useful when you need multiple instances.

I’m curious to see the DNS tricks works, I’ve had no success with /usr/lib/qubes/qubes-setup-dnat-to-ns

Mullvad uses many different DNS addresses depending on what the user selects in the app. The default Wireguard DNS address is, but it can also be in the 100.64.0.x range if the user chooses to use the DNS filtering rules.
For OpenVPN, it’s different too. Each port gives a different subnet and the DNS is always 10.x.0.1. DNS filtering (100.64.0.x) also works with OpenVPN.

Since it’s hard to know what protocol the user will be using and if they will be using any DNS filtering rules, I would recommend adding the following script to update the DNS accordingly:

#! /usr/bin/env bash

update_dns() {
	# mullvad_on: 0 -> off, 1 -> on
	mullvad_on=$([[ $(grep -v -c "nameserver \+10.139" /etc/resolv.conf) -gt 0 ]] && echo 1 || echo 0)

	if [[ $mullvad_on -eq 1 ]]; then

		echo "Mullvad is on"

		# get the mullvad dns ip address. First one is used if there is more than one.
		mullvad_dns_ip=$(grep "nameserver" < /etc/resolv.conf| awk '{print $2}' | head -n 1)

		# delete all the lines defined in dnat-dns
		sudo nft flush chain ip qubes dnat-dns

		# forward all dns requests to mullvad dns servers
		sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns meta l4proto { tcp, udp } ip daddr {, } th dport 53 dnat to "$mullvad_dns_ip"


		echo "Mullvad is off"

		# get qubes nameserver ip addresses
		nameserver_ips=$(grep "nameserver" < /etc/resolv.conf| awk '{print $2}')

		# delete all the lines defined in dnat-dns
		sudo nft flush chain ip qubes dnat-dns

		# add rule to forward dns requests to qubes nameservers
		for ip in $nameserver_ips; do
			sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns ip daddr "$ip" udp dport 53 dnat to "$ip"
			sudo nft add rule ip qubes dnat-dns ip daddr "$ip" tcp dport 53 dnat to "$ip"


# check for /etc/resolv.conf content change
inotifywait -m -q -e close_write /etc/resolv.conf | while read -r;
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Mullvad has their own guide specifically for Qubes: Mullvad on Qubes OS 4

However it doesn’t allow to easily change VPN server on the fly

I would feel better if a killswitch was whitelist-based instead of blacklist-based like here. Maybe it would be better to drop everything by default and only allow packets on Mullvad’s interface?

It was already linked in the guide, but they don’t cover the App setup.

if you need a strong killswitch, do it with qvm-firewall that will apply the rules in the qube’Netvm, it’s way more reliable.

Thank you for this tutorial,

you forgot quotation marks in the dns fix part

New Qubes user here. I struggled for a bit and want to clarify what I had trouble with for any other less experienced users.

I was thinking the DNS script wasn’t working because Mullvad’s leak checker kept telling me I was leaking. This was not because of the script DVM wrote, which works, but was actually from a Firefox browser setting.

When you do the leak check on mullvad’s site and read the DNS leak guide, it has the answer. You have to disble “DNS over HTTPS” setting in Firefox ESR. By default it is enabled and made it so I was using a Cloudflare DNS server nearby the VPN server.

Also it wasn’t clear to me by reading this thread, but the script DVM wrote needs to be run in the sys-mullvad-vpn-app qube terminal, not the Dom0 terminal. The script needs to be run again if you change the settings in the DNS blocking inside the Mullvad app, however it seems like you don’t need to run the script again just to change the VPN server if it has the same DNS blocking settings. The script also needs to be run again after reboot.

Could someone give specific instructions on how to set up the killswitch in the qvm-firewall? I barely know what I’m doing and don’t want to break anything since I have the VPN working now.

Thank you all.

Big thanks for this guide. This is easy and fast and the gui helps a lot (edit. internet not working on browsers, but telegram app works?)

nothing happens when i put this command in console.

what did you add to that file? what do you expect when you run it?

I did this guide exactly same, same fedora version everyting.
Now the proxy vm which has mullvad gui app seems to somehow provice internet to app vm, because telegram app is working via mullvad vpn, and firefox mullvad extensions shows “connected to mullvad” status, and says the proxy is working… but the firefox can’t connect to any websites. Same with chrome and other app vms.

Wonder what is causing this?

can you try ping and ping in a terminal and say if both works?

If doesn’t work, it’s likely there is a DNS issue. There is a DNS fix required in the guide.

I have the exact same problem too.
ping in the appvm works fine but ping does not work ?

did you do the DNS fix step?

yes i added the script with the DNS fix but still not working on the browsers in appvm

what is the content of /etc/resolv.conf in the Mullvad qube?


I just found a typo in my guide,

I wrote


instead of


Can you try to change this and reboot the mullvad qube? If it still doesn’t work, try instead of

yeah i noticed the typo earlier, i fixed that but still no go, I also changed the Ip to, but still not working ?

did you reboot the qube after the change?


could it be something with the MTU issues ?