Mullvad CLI app creates new device all the time on TemplateBasedVM

I set up mullvad CLI utility in my sys-mullvad VM. I just added the necessary commands to /rw/config/rc.local.

It works fine except for Mullvad creating a new device for the connection every time I boot the VM. So very soon I reach the 5-device maximum and I have to manually delete the old device names. Funny enough I can’t login into the account with the CLI utility while I have too many devices, so I have to use my phone for it.

I tried adding /etc/mullvad-vpn to bind dirs, but it doesn’t seem to change anything.

How do I make the device name permanent?

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Are you running this in a disposable qube or a simple AppVM?


Not disposable. It’s a TemplateBasedVM and ServiceVM that provides network to other VMs.

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I’m not using the cli but it should work the same way. I just tested to keep a configuration using only the cli and it works with bind-dirs. All the files are in /etc/mullvad-vpn, so make sure those files are kept in /rw/bind-dirs/etc/mullvad-vpn, especially devices.json which contains the device name and keys.

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Hi, you can auto delete the devices on Mullvad by logging-in, connecting, disconnecting, logging-out on the terminal…

To login and connect:
mullvad account login (account number)
mullvad relay set location (location) example: us, se, hk, ua, jp etc.
mullvad connect
mullvad status (will show you are connected to the location that you set above)

To logout and disconnect devices
mullvad disconnect
mullvad account logout
mullvad status (brings you back to your original location)

Hope this helps :smiley: