Mullvad Browser has released package repos for Debian and Fedora

Here’s my notes on installation:

Mullvad Browser Install Guide

1. Start a new whonix disposable qube, and open the terminal in there:


2. Move the signing key to the debian-12-xfce

qvm-move-to-vm debian-12-xfce mullvad-keyring.asc

3. Open the debian-12-xfce terminal

Move the mullvad-keyring.asc file to its proper place:

sudo mv ~/QubesIncoming/disp*/mullvad-keyring.asc /usr/share/keyrings/

Fix the user:group of the keyring file:

sudo chown root:root /usr/share/keyrings/mullvad-keyring.asc

Add the mullvad’s apt repo link to your apt sources:

echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/mullvad-keyring.asc arch=$( dpkg --print-architecture )] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mullvad.list

Now install the mullvad-browser:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mullvad-browser

Shutdown the debian-12-xfce qube. This completes the mullvad-browser
installation part. You will have mullvad-browser in your Application
shortcuts window in the qubes settings for your individual qubes.

4. Setup mullvad-browser for debian-12-xfce disposableVM

In its current default settings, mullvad-browser.desktop file contains
on its Exec lines, the flag --detach, which causes the shell
process that spawns the mullvad-browser to exit. This causes
mullvad-browser to fail stay opened inside dispXXXX qubes, as the
shell process exiting causes the dispXXXX qube to also shut itself
down. So, you need to remove the --detach flag from the
mullvad-browser.desktop file.

OR, you can copy the existing file, and rename it to
mullvad-browser-disposable.desktop file, and add THAT to your
disposable qubes’ application list, spawn it with the keypress, etc.

Open the debian-12-xfce qube. On its terminal:

sudo cp /usr/share/applications/mullvad-browser.desktop /usr/share/applications/mullvad-browser-disposable.desktop
sudoedit /usr/share/applications/mullvad-browser-disposable.desktop

Remove the --detach flag from Exec and
X-MullvadBrowser-ExecShell lines. Add a %u to the Exec lines, so
you have the followings:

Exec=/usr/lib/mullvad-browser/start-mullvad-browser %u
X-MullvadBrowser-ExecShell=/usr/lib/mullvad-browser/start-mullvad-browser %u

The start-mullvad-browser script should be able to pass the URL
arguments that might come with %u correctly to the mullvad-browser

Also, change the Name and GenericName lines on the same file, so that
you can distinguish between normal mullvad browser and the disposable one:

Name=Mullvad Browser (Disposable)
GenericName=Web Browser (Disposable)

Save the file and exit. Shut down the debian-12-xfce qube.

Open the Qube Manager window. Find the default-dvm qube, and press
Settings. Go to Applications tab, and press Refresh applications button. Then, you should see the Mullvad Browser (Disposable) option on the All Available Applications column. Move
that to the right hand column. Apply and OK. From now on, you can
run the Qubes Applications Menu > default-dvm > Mullvad Browser
(Disposable) and you will have a new Mullvad Browser inside the
disposable qube.

If this was helpful, send me some tip!
