Move/Copy from dom0 with dialog box (Making screenshots easy)


i want to move a file from dom0 to a domU with the dialog box.

My use case is taking screenshots. In any perceivable case i need those screenshots to go into a domU and i really don’t need them in dom0.

Usually i do:

  1. Press my screenshot shortcut
  2. Take the screenshot
  3. Choose where do save the screenshot
  4. Open a dom0 terminal
  5. qvm-move-to-vm

I want to modify my shortcut so my process would be:

  1. Press my screenshot shortcut
  2. Take the screenshot
  3. Choose the target qube for the screenshot

Saving the screenshot and moving it should be done automatically.

To choose the target qube, i could open a dom0 terminal to prompt for it. This would not be my preferred solution.

As the qvm-move dialog box has convenient autocomplete for qube destinations, i would like to use this from within dom0.

Is there a better way to do this as: Creating a new dispvm, qvm-move-to-vm to it, and then qvm-copy to the real destination?

open vm in full screen, then press print screen on keyboard, it’s how i safely change the background.

or open xfce4-screenshooter then select which area you want to take.

i missread and don’t have idea.