More cores or APU for performance boost?

What gives bigger performance boost for daily driving multiple qubes at same time: An APU (CPU w/ integrated graphics) or a bigger core count.

16 Cores (no graphics) VS 8 Cores (Integrated graphics)

I am dying for better performance please let me know.

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Graphics will do nothing on qubes os, it’s just used to display the windows in dom0, it does nothing for qubes performance for whom rendering is entirely done with the CPU emulating a GPU using llvmpipe.

You can’t assign a graphic card to a qube except if you have a GPU not used by dom0, then you could use a passthrough setup but it’s super complicated and not practical.


Alright I give up.

core counts no improvement, APU no improvement, GPU cant be used for many qubes.

We need better performance for daily driving if anyone has suggestions let me know.

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High end CPU :confused: The higher the frequency, the better.

More cores will allow to run more programs / qubes in parallel, but it won’t make them run faster past a certain bottleneck threshold.

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Neither, capacity and speed of RAM.