Monero Wallet/Daemon Isolation with Qubes + Whonix

I had @helge’s problem as well:

I followed the Qubes documentation for opening a single TCP port to another qube, which ended up working.


  1. Follow all the steps linked in the above github guide
  2. Do not add the socat TCP-LISTEN command to /rw/config/rc.local in the wallet VM. Instead, add qvm-connect-tcp ::18081 to rc.local (you can’t have both qvm-connect-tcp and socat bind to the same port, so I choose to forgo socat)
  3. Create a TCP connect policy in dom0: /etc/qubes-rpc/policy/qubes.ConnectTCP:
monero-wallet-ws @default allow,target=monerod-ws
  1. Run qvm-connect-tcp ::18081 in monero-wallet-ws or restart the wallet VM and let rc.local handle it

My monero wallet VM then connected to the monero daemon VM.

Please test this method to see if it works. I’m also not entirely sure why this worked, and what parts of the github guide are strictly necessary to make the qvm-connect-tcp method work. I imagine this would preserve the split-* security model because of the policy because the TCP port is only available to be used from monero-wallet-ws to monerod-ws?