Modern Filesystem with SNAPSHOTS

I know this probably belongs on Github, but maybe being a small voice here will also help, (and maybe a good test post before consuming time resources of devs on Github).

We BADLY need a block-level snapshots filesystem in Qubes. One of the beautiful things about Qubes, is using VMs for development environments and testing out software, packages, configurations, etc. Standalones, passthru, HVM, you name it.

But the problem is that, while experimenting, sometimes you’re going to make a mistake, or something is going to fail. Some of those missteps can be fatal to even booting a VM, and either you can spend the next 5 hours of your life troubleshooting and desperately trying to get back to the state you were just in 3 minutes ago … OR … if we had a proper, modern filesystem that supported snapshots like any sane environment should … you would just rollback to the last known good state.

If you think “I dont need that, I just use Qubes for normie stuff” … Well, imagine deleting a file, only to realize that you actually need it. Snapshots allow you to recover files as well.

I would jokingly say, it’s a crime against Unix for a beast as capable and awesome as Qubes to not have a filesystem with block level snapshots.

I have already tried Rudd-O ZFS on Qubes, and I cant make it work. I have asked him about it in Github as well, no response (I’m sure he’s a busy guy). I am aware of these threads:

You can revert the file system if something goes wrong.


That’s a huge help, thank you.

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That’s a huge help, thank you. Is this a block level snapshot?

In many cases, it’d be very useful to be able create snapshots inside a VM as well. I’ve tried installing ZFS in Debian VMs, but because you’re layering a ZFS filesystem on top of an already ext4 filesystem, you lose a lot of performance.

Also, do you know of any native encryption solution for VMs? Whether that’s from the perspective of dom0, or from inside the VM. A security focused containerized distro should have the native capability to encrypt those containers as well.

It’s not really a snapshot, more a bunch of derived disks that are not merged within the main volume and could be discarded if you want to restore an older version.

It’s not as flexible as snapshots but provide pretty similar feature

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