Mobile OS Compatible With Qubes OS Workflow

what would be the best OS for telephone that can be compatible to Qubes hygiene ?

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The only os that will look like Qubes OS is Graphene OS although it works differently and can be really painful to use if you compartmentalize it like Qubes OS.

I wrote an intro to Graphene OS because it’s hard to grasp what it does and does not.

This topic might be closed because it is unrelated to Qubes OS.


@solene : thank you for your answer,
what do you think of pine64 phones and cosmo communicator ?

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I only trust Graphene and it’s only compatible with Google pixel phones


As someone who daily drives mobian on the pinephone pro I can confidently tell you it is not possible with the current hardware to have a sufficiently secure setup. The pinephone pro does not have enough ram to properly isolate the outwardly facing components (cellular, wifi/bt, etc.). There are devices which may or may not come into existence sooner or later like the liberux nexx which would have sufficient hardware requirements to run a compartmentalized OS but 4gb of slow ram is just not good enough. It is an open source and auditable platform for the most part but any one critical vulnerability in system level drivers would lead to a full system takeover and that is unacceptable from a security standpoint. Pair this with the fact that very few if any people are actually paid to develop pinephone pro or linux mobile generally and you get a comparatively unreliable system. This said I think my phone is great and a significant step up from the iphone at a much lower price. Most importantly it is actually MINE in that it is not a locked down planned-obsolescence piece of future e-waste.

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Double or nothing.

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