Minimal Fedora Template & Standalones


I already created some templates that are based on my minimal fedora 39 template.

Now i wanted to create a standalone that is based on the minimal fedora template. The problem is: i can’t install anything; not even qubes-core-agent-networking?

When i try to do sudo dnf install qubes-core-agent-networking then i get this errors:

“Errors during downloading metatdata for repository ‘fedora’:

I already tried sys-firewall, sys-whonix and even sys-net but noen worked, I tried restarting my pc & create another standalone based on minimal fedora; nothing works.

Either install qubes-core-agent-networking package in the template before creating standalone based on it or enable standalone updates using updates proxy by enabling updates-proxy-setup for it and adding policy to allow qubes.UpdatesProxy for StandaloneVMs:

You can add policy for UpdatesProxy using GUI in Qubes Global Config → Updates → With the following exceptions.

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