Microphone input appears to not be arriving in VM

Hi everyone!

When I open pavucontrol in dom0, I can see that my USB microphone is working (the bar moves when the microphone picks up sound), and I have verified that this microphone is set as the correct recording device for the virtual machine that I need it in (“Recording” tab in pavucontrol).

In the VM itself, I have run pavucontrol and verified that “Qubes Virtual Audio Source” is not muted.

Yet, not audio appears to be arriving in the VM.

It’s an up-to-date Qubes 4.2 system, the VM is an up-to-date fedora-39. The microphone that I use is connected via USB, and I do not use a sys-usb, if that makes a difference. I’m not aware of a sys-audio existing on my system.

This used to just work a few years ago when I last needed it. I’m looking for any tips or hints on what I can do or try, or possibly what has changed in audio in Qubes OS in the last two or three years.

I’ve been using Linux for a long time, but know basically nothing about the systems that make audio work under Linux, as I really don’t like having to spend time with them. So any form of help is greatly appreciated.

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Did you attach the microphone device to the VM?
Qubes Devices widget in system tray → dom0:mic → VM name

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I did not!

Now after doing that, everything works. I must have forgotten that I used to do this when I used a microphone years ago.

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